Welcome NintendoReport!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
NintendoReport is a moderator over at TheWiiU. I suppose me and him have butt heads some times in the past when I was on crazy amounts of medication, but basically, he is a huge Nintendo fan like me and could be a valuable asset to the forum if he sticks around. I'd like to personally welcome him. And I also have a story, forum...

Awhile ago, when I was on more medication, I got into the spirit of collecting games, but also, I got bored and traded what I had. I wasn't really into playing them for awhile. I was just into buying, selling, trading them. But after playing lots of games, I realized my heart was with Nintendo.

So that's why you see me here. And I bring it up because NintendoReport probably remembers the dark ages when I once traded a Wii U for a Vita. I was crazy.

I hope he doesn't mind me making this Introduction thread for him.
Thanks all, I look forward to visiting here daily, or at least when I can. I enjoy Nintendo and it's universe and look forward to being a part of it wherever I can. I am glad you found a happy home here Shane! :D
Thanks @NintendoReport !

It isn't a piece of cake for me to be a member here either - because I have social anxiety and sometimes doubt myself greatly. But I will say this... everyone is super nice to me here, and seems to understand me. I don't feel I have to go out of my way to explain myself here, whereas at other forums I do. So the only thing holding me back is my social anxiety, and not the other members at all.

Enjoy your stay!


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