Kill La Kill IF is a video game adaptation of the anime series of the same name. Its an alternate re-telling of the original anime focusing on a what if scenario if it was Satsuki as the lead mc than Ryuko. The story itself is generally ok and one thing to note about fanservice about the series...
Rune Factory 4 3DS is a life sim farming JRPG by Natsume and is part of the Rune Factory series. Like earlier versions, it focuses on an amnesiac character who is working with the small town they find themselves to build a life and improve the village, while destroying an evil force that plagues...
Geneshaft is a sci fi anime created by Sunrise studios. The story focuses on the characters trying to figure out what's causing this strange threat to humanity and the alien technology behind it during the 23rd century. The story has a huge focus on genetic engineering, and the consequences of...
Speed Grapher, is an anime original series by Gonzo studios. It was created due to inspiration of Japans own economic struggles and people doing really drastic measures just to get out of it and it was interestingly written by the same writer who did Dino Crisis 3 so you should expect to see the...
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a Nintendo 3DS exclusive on rails shooter hack and slash hybrid by Nintendo. The lead development was done by Masahiro Sakurai and with that, you will notice a lot of the gameplay mechanics from the Super Smash Bros series will also appear in this game. One of the reason...