Looking for help with running the site


Staff member
Sep 19, 2012
Since my day job has been taking up increasingly bigger chunks of my time, I am looking for additional help from a few good men and women who will help us keep this place running smoothly.

This will be a small group of die-hard Nintendo fans who will act as Moderators and lead the community by example. To qualify, you need to:

- Possess excellent written communication skills and grammar
- Help members with questions about Nintendo games and problems with their systems
- Help keep site discussions interesting by posting fresh content about Nintendo and gaming-related news and events
- Have been an active member on the forum for at least a month
- Being an active member on other gaming forums is a definite plus. Moderating experience is also great.
- Love Nintendo!

If you are interested in helping run the greatest Nintendo fan site on Earth, reply to this thread and tell our community what would make you a good Moderator. Good luck!
WOW. I would be great for the job. I have told you about it before that I would love to help out with the site.
- Possess excellent written communication skills and grammar: Yes I do.
- Help members with questions about Nintendo games and problems with their systems: Sure. I am pretty techy (Er, grammar skills, FAILED. Jk. :D), er, technical, so I could help with some stuff.
- Help keep site discussions interesting by posting fresh content about Nintendo and gaming-related news and events: That is fine, I read www.mynintendonews.com and www.wiiudaily.com every day, so I keep up with all of the upcoming news.
- Have been an active member on the forum for at least a month: Done! I have been an active member for lots of months!
- Being an active member on other gaming forums is a definite plus. Moderating experience is also great.: I am also on http://squidboards.com/members/scootch.10098/ and http://smashboards.com/members/scootch.326938/. As for moderating skills, I am pretty good. I read most of the threads on here, so I will be watching. Always watching (Sound familiar? Monsters, Inc. Hint hint?).
- Love Nintendo!: Pfft. Easiest one to complete out of them all! I am barely even interested in the other consoles. If Nintendo went out of business, I would probably go into a video game depression for a month and would effect me for my whole life (Okay, so maybe I am being a little dramatic! :D)!
-And I also do not swear, so you wouldn't have to worry about that. I am also honest, so I do not lie.

So overall, I would love to have the job! I have been looking for an opportunity like this for a while now and it would be AMAZING if I could be a mod. :)

P.S. I know my username on those websites is Scootch. That is my new gamer tag. If I become a mod on here would it be possible to change my name on here to Scootch?
I would not mind helping out at all!

i have ZERO skills in this arena though. Im can barely get a pic into a post. I really don't know what a moderator does. I don't do Facebook. You get the idea.

Here is what I do bring to the table: I work a 7&7 schedule, which is why Im checking in for many days, then disappear for many days. Im a working husband/father, so first and foremost i keep in mind respecting others, and keeping things clean. I just really feel this is not the place for negativity. Not that this matters, but my love is only for Nintendo. I have wii u and 3ds, and that's enough for me. Couldn't say anything one way or the other about other platforms.

I love this site from top to bottom, and if I can donate a little time please let me know.
Well I'm an admin on my forum, a moderator on another forum, but that's it. I love Nintendo, but I've only been here for about a week. And don't think I would be much help with Nintendo games or news but I could try. Unfortunately I don't think I'm the right one for this but I definitely think you need a few moderators around here, I think it would help you and the forum and maybe let you catch a break from time to time. Not to say you're not a good admin, because you are.
- Possess excellent written communication skills and grammar - Yes.
- Help members with questions about Nintendo games and problems with their systems - Yes.
- Help keep site discussions interesting by posting fresh content about Nintendo and gaming-related news and events - Sure can do!
- Have been an active member on the forum for at least a month - Nope, I joined like last week. xD
- Being an active member on other gaming forums is a definite plus. Moderating experience is also great. - I'm a moderator on another forum so I have experience. ^-^
- Love Nintendo! - Yeeeep. :v
- Possess excellent written communication skills and grammar - Yes, when I want to (I'm not afraid to say lmao).
- Help members with questions about Nintendo games and problems with their systems - Easily done. Play most everything Nintendo puts out.
- Help keep site discussions interesting by posting fresh content about Nintendo and gaming-related news and events - I live on Nintendo news and speculation. Easily done.
- Have been an active member on the forum for at least a month - Can't say I've done that. There needs to be a shoutbox added (and I know XenForo has them) because it's like an instant activity boost.
- Being an active member on other gaming forums is a definite plus. Moderating experience is also great. - I've been an admin on several different websites, moderator on several, writer on several, etc. I've got experience.
- Love Nintendo! - Yep, but I'm not afraid to point out the company's faults).

Really I'd just love to be involved with a forum again. It's a shame that the website with the URL NintendoForums is inactive and I want to help try and mediate that.
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If this is still going on, I'd like to make a better post for this, if that's alright. ^^

Possess excellent written communication skills and grammar - I would say so, although sometimes I'm not the best at socializing, but I think I would certainly try.

Help members with questions about Nintendo games and problems with their systems - I can't promise this since I don't own every Nintendo system around (GameCube, N64, Wii, SNES, Wii U, and 2DS are the ones I own), same with the games for the systems (I mostly own the main ones for the systems like Mario, LoZ, Kirby, etc.), but I would try.

Help keep site discussions interesting by posting fresh content about Nintendo and gaming-related news and events - I don't see why I couldn't. :p

Have been an active member on the forum for at least a month - Yup. I've been here since somewhere in last October I think.

Being an active member on other gaming forums is a definite plus. Moderating experience is also great. - I'm a member on many forums, most of them being gaming forums. Though I'm mostly an active member on this one and my own forum. I'm also an admin on my forum and I have been a moderator on a site before. :)

Love Nintendo! - I definitely pass on this one. I've loved Nintendo pretty much my whole life and I'm not about to stop. :D

So, here's my updated post on this. I still think there's definitely better people out there for this job but if I were to get the promotion I would try my best to do a good job. I'm sure you'll make the right choice.

Good luck to everyone! ^o^
Well, I haven't been here for a month yet, but I have a ton of experience so I'll just post this here in case you're still looking for help after a month has gone by.

-I can post Nintendo related news threads on nearly a daily basis.
-I used to run my own website and forums in the past. I know how to work with scripts, hacks, make forum skins, etc.
-I have good judgement when it comes to keeping the peace and keeping the forums organized as far as threads go.
-I have a vast knowledge of Nintendo and video games in general.
-Excellent grammar.
-I've been an active member on NintendoFanForum.com since 2008.
-I've been a member of Shoryuken.com forums since 2000 and used to be a moderator there.
I think it might be time to resurrect this thread, @crunchyg, since we are suddenly getting so much traffic on here.
I was once a Staff member @ Wiihacks.com,My profile to the site is here, I stopped working there a few years ago. I own my own Vbulletin site now that gives members ALOT more freedom then wiihacks Nintenex.com. I have experience in moderation and though i havnt been here in a full month maybe you'll accept me after i spend alot more time here.
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Hey. You probably still aren't looking for someone to take this position, @crunchyg, but I just wanted to say that I don't want to be a mod anymore. This site has gone downhill imo(with cursing and other stuff), and I don't want to have the role anymore. Sorry
I did the admin thing for a decade on several websites. Not wanting to become a mod. Just offering some advice. My friend who runs several fan sites and maybe the biggest Resident Evil and Shenmue fansites. He coached me and it worked wonders. Curb appeal is a big part. This site does not have a lot of activity or active members. There is far to many forums. Cutting it down to about 5-6 actually creates more activity and more appealing to new people. Less all in one topics (for example if there was a Legend of Zelda series topic..be better to have separate topics for each game,more activity) also help create more people creating topics.

Changes like this take a couple all nighters and I have done them myself before. At first polarizing to regulars but they often adapt quickly and realize it's better.

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