Guess I'm here. For what that's worth


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2016
Lightning_Ninja here. I come to you from the sinking ship that is

Design layout and organizational method here seems decent and there's a modest amount of activity, so I decided to join here.

About me? Guess I'll state some things.
Favorite game series:
1. Monster Hunter
2. Zelda
3. Fire Emblem
4. Xenoblade
5. Ace Attorney

I feel I should emphasize #1. I'm the type of guy who makes weapon guides for that series and FAQ's to help people get into it. See Here: (
My love of the series cannot be overstated. As a result, I tend to reference it when I'm trying to explain something, as I'm so knowledgeable about it. If I start getting annoying about it, let me know. I'll shut up.

Other things to mention.
-Only really played on Nintendo consoles until summer 2014 when I got a laptop good enough to play games on it
-Tend to focus on gameplay mechanics above all when discussing games
-I'm not the type of person to say "PM me to play online together!". I primarily play with people I know IRL. Not to say you can't offer to play with me, but don't be surprised if I either turn you down or don't respond. Don't mean to come off as a jerk.
-Love me some good videogame music
-I enjoy watching comedy/action movies, as well as a good amount of anime
-I'm not the most active person on forums. I tend to only comment if I feel I have something valuable to say.

That's...kind of it. Not much else I feel the need to say for you to get an idea of what I'm like. I'm a fairly boring person. Here for the discussion.

So, yeah. Hello.
Welcome to the forums.

Although I'll play online games with anyone I guess, it definitely makes me more enthusiastic about it if we have talked awhile online or IRL.
Hello and welcome to the forums. While I used to play Nintendo back in the day, I myself deserted to the dark side (PlayStation4 and Xbox ONE) a couple of years ago, so I'm here mainly now to reminisce on the good old days.

When Sega and Nintendo dominated the gaming market I was a Nintendo fan, so my mispent youth was on the NES and the SNES, and reading through the threads it's good to see others were the same.
Brachydios fan? Hope you write some exclusive weapon guides for us! And welcome. :D
While I used to play Nintendo back in the day, I myself deserted to the dark side (PlayStation4 and Xbox ONE) a couple of years ago, so I'm here mainly now to reminisce on the good old days.

In any case, we are glad to have you here!
Welcome :)
I don't think anyone could knock your favourite list of games!
Do you make FAQ to feel like you're getting as much out of a game as possible or just because you like help others?
See you around :)
The main reason is I love the series, and it pains me when I see people try it, get frustrated, and quit. I know how hard it is to get into, so I figured I'd use my knowledge to help others get into it. Also, I toyed with the idea of making a guide one day, and just couldn't stop thinking about it until I wrote it out.