Yes, I 'm glad that Nintendo are finally going the Universal route for cable types! (it would't be so bad if the proprietary ones they used didn't keep changing on every console. DS, DS Lite, and 3DS all had similar yet different shaped sockets, which kind of got annoying). It was a welcome change to see that the 3DS socket got used for both new 3DS and also for some Wii accessories like the fast-charging wii-remote docks, etc. But TypeC for Switch is even better, as this should hopefully mean that even when they stop making accessories for consoles that get discontinued but we still keep, it won't be so hard to find cables that work on them. (I could go on a rant all day about the 4way adaptor for playing four swords on Gameboy advance). The only way to get hold of those now is 2nd hand, and of course, being cables, they're quite vulnerable. So I dread the day the ones I've get finally get loose connections, as I'll never be able to play that game again!) Fortunately this won't be an issue on Nintendo Switch, so am very happy with Nintendo for finally modernizing their approach on how they do this!USB type C is one of the most exciting things that has happened to consumer technology in recent years. You can already pick up a car charger for $10-15 and don't need to depend on Nintendo on it. It's a truly universal interface.