A First Person Zelda?

Thomas Ennis

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2013
Super NES
I'm not familiar with all of the Zelda games, so I have a question: does a first person Zelda exist? I know there are certain parts in Zelda games where you can assume a first person view. It might be a cool idea to have a complete, first person Zelda game.

Pros and cons?
I'm not sure if there is one, none that I have seen at least. I wouldn't like an all first person Zelda game though, I get sick from most games doing that view. The movements make me feel dizzy, and hard to look at.

If they did do one I guess a pro would be to see everything up close and personal, so if there is a switch that needs to be pressed more precisely, or need to shoot a sling shot more accurately(like in the N64 Zelda games) it could come in handy. I think the con would be that people like me wouldn't buy the game because they can't handle that view for long periods of times. Oh, that and I bet it would be harder to see all the enemies around.
They should make Zelda Prime. Also Super Tingle Bros, Zelda Kong Country, and L-Zero! The possibilities are endless.
I think if they did make a first person Zelda, it should be co designed and released at the same time as another Zelda game. If people were disappointed in the first person game, they'd still have another to play. A large blow to the Zelda franchine would not sit well with me.
Like creating the same Zelda game twice? Make one for first person view and another for the regular 3rd person view it has, or perhaps you meant just two different games, but one is a fallback? I agree that I wouldn't like to see a large blow to the franchise either.
Yeah, I did mean two different games at once. That way, if they blew the first person version; an entirely new story could be played out. "Fallback" is a good way of looking at it. Maybe they could even make the first person game have a different protagonist.
I don't think a FP Zelda game would be a hit... :unsure:
Two Zelda games being released at once neither.

The best option would be to create a great Zelda game (which one isn't?), and leave the player the option to play FP or 3rd Person view. I think it would be more successful than both ideas above. :rolleyes:
That's not a bad idea. You could switch modes when you want to check something out in the environment. I like that idea actually; good job :D
Eh, I don't think it would work. They tried a first person Dragon Quest on the Wii and in my opinion it was absolutely god awful. But then that was on rails pretty much. I think if it allowed all the freedom of, say, Fallout 3, then yeah it could work pretty well I think. If it allowed you just to swap modes it could be brilliant. Simply having that option rather than making two games at the same time would be a lot better, in my opinion.
First Person view can be rather hit and miss in nature - if I'm playing something like Fallout 3 or Skyrim that's one thing. However, if I'm playing something like a survival horror game or something then I want to see everything and not just what's in front of me. Zelda is generally speaking a game where I'd like to know where everything is (because puzzles man), however sometimes those little switches are such a pain.
I've recently seen and watched the original Legend of Zelda, and Ocarina of Time played in the oculus rift. Though it puts a whole new and unique perspective through our favorite heroes eyes, I personally wouldn't like it, especially with the 3D games. First person is best played with (the best example being) a shooter game. The Legend of Zelda usually has such a deep and vast world around, not to be able to see anything more than what's in front of you would defeat that purpose of its vastness. Not to mention the gameplay that might be hindered.

Replaying just for the fun of it games like LoZ, or ALttP in first person would be fun. But not the 3D games, IMO. ^^;
I really don't think that there is any Zelda that is played in the first person. I don't think also that the game would be as fun if it was played in the first person. All the Zelda games that I have ever played was in the 3rd person. The only time that I have ever seen 1st person in Zelda is when you are using the hook shot or when you are using the bow and arrow.
I saw the first person Zelda for occulus rift and was not impressed at all. I just do not really associate Zelda with first person game play, I guess.
I think doing Zelda in the first person wouldn't be a good idea unless Nintendo expand the Zelda franchise to include a computer first person Zelda game or else offered the option of having the option of playing from a first person shooter view in the camera angles/views options.
The first person perspective has always worked quite well in shooters, from Wolfenstein 3D onwards.

However, I'm skeptical about applying the very same perspective to The Legend of Zelda series.

Thinking back to past attempts like id's Hexen series or old school AD&D video games like Eye of the Beholder, it has been my experience that, for whatever reason, the first person perspective doesn't seem to work quite as well in fantasy games as it does in more traditional shooters. There's just something about swinging a sword or casting a spell in real-time from that perspective that seems strangely disconnected and too unrealistic and blocky in execution.

Also, I suspect that negotiating the labyrinthine dungeons and solving the type of puzzles typical of a Legend of Zelda game would tend to be more tedious and confusing than it would in the usual third-person perspective.

Now, all of that being said: that's just my intuition on the matter, and I would love to be proven wrong by a satisfying first-person Legend of Zelda game that manages to avoid all of the above!
The first person perspective has always worked quite well in shooters, from Wolfenstein 3D onwards.

However, I'm skeptical about applying the very same perspective to The Legend of Zelda series.

Thinking back to past attempts like id's Hexen series or old school AD&D video games like Eye of the Beholder, it has been my experience that, for whatever reason, the first person perspective doesn't seem to work quite as well in fantasy games as it does in more traditional shooters. There's just something about swinging a sword or casting a spell in real-time from that perspective that seems strangely disconnected and too unrealistic and blocky in execution.

Also, I suspect that negotiating the labyrinthine dungeons and solving the type of puzzles typical of a Legend of Zelda game would tend to be more tedious and confusing than it would in the usual third-person perspective.

Now, all of that being said: that's just my intuition on the matter, and I would love to be proven wrong by a satisfying first-person Legend of Zelda game that manages to avoid all of the above!

Some how the more that I think about it I just cannot see a game like this working. I know that first person shooters are the better games that use this point of view and I just think that Zelda would be better in the view that it is in now.
I don't know, it would be really difficult at first, also people don't typically like change. It may be a hit like GTA V Next Gen, but I don't think people would enjoy it, If they do decide to do that, hopefully you can switch back to third person. Maybe if it was the normal game, but after you beat it, the Hero mode would be first person.
I don't know, it would be really difficult at first, also people don't typically like change.

Case in point, the frankly largely undeserved hate that Zelda II: The Adventure of Link still receives to this very day for "being too different".
I don't really think that I would be into a first person Zelda, but honestly, I'm not really into many things that are first person. I can see a first person Zelda having an Elder Scrolls kind of vibe to it. I think it would definitely be cool to watch, but it wouldn't be something that I would be into. Maybe if there was a cycle option between first and third person.
I like the first person point of view in shooters, create-your-own-character type games (like Skyrim), and in horror games. In shooters, it's just easier to aim, and in the other types of games it just makes you feel more like you're really there in the action, making decisions and kickin' butt. Basically, it's more immersive.

But when it comes to the Legend of Zelda games, I know I'm playing as Link. I'm playing a role in a story that has already been predetermined, as a character who has his own name and personality (... sort of.) That being the case, I don't think it's as important to feel "immersed." If anything, I care less about how much butt I'm kickin' and more about how Link is doing, because it's his story and I want him to succeed.

Now what would be really cool is if we could create our own personal Hero of Time, rather than just always playing as Link. That would be something...

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