Hey everyone, I was curious on whether or not anyone has utilized the Afterglow controller with Motion Plus for the Wii? I personally have one, and I must say that comparing it to the default Motion Plus, it’s a wonderful alternative that’s pretty cheap in pricing as well. I need it mostly for Skyward Sword, and the sensitivity is pretty high and useful for other games such as Modern Warfare 3 on the Nintendo Wii.
Another thing is that this is also a good startup if you have a Wii-U, but I haven’t tried it on one as yet. For anyone that may have one as well, do you prefer it over your regular Wii Remote or Wii Remote Motion Plus?
Another thing is that this is also a good startup if you have a Wii-U, but I haven’t tried it on one as yet. For anyone that may have one as well, do you prefer it over your regular Wii Remote or Wii Remote Motion Plus?