NES Anticipation


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2015
Nintendo 64

Being toted as "Nintendo's first Video Board Game" it primarily featured a set of board-game pieces advancing around a board until they got enough points(or colors) to advance to the next level, and the game consisted of 3-4 levels before you beat it. With everything from leisure categories to sports, the pencil would pencil in an outline of the object then you'd have to buzz in like jeopardy and answer before time runs out. It was very awesome, and very ahead of its time I think. I could still play it today and enjoy it just as much.

Have you played it? If not, then you should. Emulate if necessary. It's worth your time.
It was a terrible game. I hate to break your heart on this one but it was something no one cares of. However, it's a great thing to add to your collection to really feel complete as a person.
It was a terrible game. I hate to break your heart on this one but it was something no one cares of. However, it's a great thing to add to your collection to really feel complete as a person.

I actually care about it, so therefore it's not nobody. My brother likes it. Some of my old times friends like it. We played many hours to it, and it was a fun game. And you had to figure it out and use your mind to puzzle it down. And then type it in, in time. It was a fun game.
It was a terrible game. I hate to break your heart on this one but it was something no one cares of. However, it's a great thing to add to your collection to really feel complete as a person.

I actually really liked Anticipation, I used to play this game with my parents and friends after school. So I have fond memories of it. The drawling and music were both cheesy but it is still a classic in my opinion

Oh the days...
Alright, how about this? Would you prefer to play Contra or Anticipation? Take your time. I know it's tough.
Alright, how about this? Would you prefer to play Contra or Anticipation? Take your time. I know it's tough.

You can't just say one or the other, when they fall into different genres altogether. Anticipation. Not everyone was about side-scrolling arcade shooters. We like a wealth of games, and I took no time to decide that. And I also love Contra. But I'd play Anticipation at a party event and Contra by myself.
Why would you not be able to play Contra at a party event? It's a one OR two player game. Anticipation is not my cup of tea. I can see people enjoying it but it's definitely not at the top of my list of NES games.
Because a party event entails four or more players playing simultaneously? One or two is more for me or a friend + me, that came over.

You wouldn't exclude the other people just to play would you? Bad host! lol. I can see it not being someones cup of tea, but with the boxes that split controllers into four ports (for up to four controllers) we played the crap out of this an other emulated NES party games at a Retro meet with some friends.