Anyone else bother with Plants vs Zombies 2?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
I have and I think it's a great piece of work. There is the bit about paying for some plants, but they're all old editions so the game is practically free. I like the newer mechanisms and how levels really shake up the process of defense. I also like most of the new plants (some of them are completely worthless). The one problem this game has is that people love to hate on things so they're not even going to give this a chance most likely. Oh, well more awesome for me I guess.
I absolutely love playing this game! I enjoyed playing the first Plants vs. Zombies, but when I played the sequel it was so much better. I'm so glad it was free on the app store when I got it. I like how there's way to kill zombies with your own fingers rather than your plants, it really help you get out of a jam. The only thing I dislike about the game, is how they implemented that you should buy items with actual money in order to be better off.
I played it for a couple of days, and there's just not enough to keep me playing. Everything is bigger and better than before, but the fun isn't there anymore.
GetFresh said:
I absolutely love playing this game! I enjoyed playing the first Plants vs. Zombies, but when I played the sequel it was so much better. I'm so glad it was free on the app store when I got it. I like how there's way to kill zombies with your own fingers rather than your plants, it really help you get out of a jam. The only thing I dislike about the game, is how they implemented that you should buy items with actual money in order to be better off.
You don't have to buy anything really. And then considering it has been available for free on the app store it isn't really all that much of an issue is it?

crunchyg said:
I played it for a couple of days, and there's just not enough to keep me playing. Everything is bigger and better than before, but the fun isn't there anymore.
What changed for you? Did you just prefer it as a kind of RTS or is it just too busy now?
No, I haven't played it yet despite it getting some really amazing reviews. I have never like a F2P game and probably never will
Well, you never know until you try. I've gotten it since it dropped and it really is a great game. The payment option doesn't even really come into the picture.
This game is just as good as the first one I've actually been enjoying it just as much. When I finished the first Plants vs Zombies I couldn't wait for the second one to come out and when I heard it was released I immediately got it on my phone and its been a lot of fun seeing the new things they've added and done. Wonder if they'll be making a Plants vs Zombies 3?
My gf loves thst game I gave it a try not my thing though
I've never really understood why people like the whole PvZ thing. It's neat I guess but I feel like I'm wasting my time playing a casual game when I have a huge backlog.
I was obsessed with the first one for a while so yeah, I'd love to play it but I haven't gotten a chance yet!

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