I'm never "excited" over a new Call of Duty game. However, I'll end up giving it a try, just to play it. I always prefer the PC when it comes to shooters. I hate how slow and clunky and inaccurate the console controllers are when it comes to controls for a FPS. 3rd Person is one thing, but FPS is something else. Some games I don't mind. But in fast paced shooters, accuracy is key, so I need my mouse and keyboard for those games. I did like the controls of FPS on the Wii, with the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo. I felt that was quick, easy, smooth, and accurate. I got to aim exactly where I wanted to aim, instead of just being in the general area, like I would with a controller. So I loved that. Too bad most FPS's on the Wii were watered down versions. With the exception of the Metroid Prime series, of course. Those worked out great all around. As for Call of Duty, I'll try it out on the PC. I know people who get every one, so I know they'll get it. So I'll be able to play it. When I can get around to it. I did like the last Call of Duty on the Wii U. That worked well. I might consider the Wii U version of Ghosts one day, to help support the Wii U. I know some friends who loved playing Black Ops 2 online on the Wii U. They had a blast and said that they enjoyed it. So they'll get it on the Wii U for sure. I may get it, just to get it. But I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise. Thus, I'm never "excited" about a new one. "Mildly Interested", but not "excited". It's turned into a sports game, really. In the sense that there is one constantly released on a regular basis. It gets harder and harder to get "excited" for something the comes out every year. Also, there are tons of FPS's on the market as it is. So I can skip a Call of Duty here and there, and feel like I'm not missing out on anything. But that also goes with pretty much every other FPS too. For the most part.