Game Boy Advance Average battery life of a GBA?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2013
I am very curious to know what is the average life of a Gameboy Advance. I had one for a long time but my battery drains very fast. I don't know the reason why but I am assuming because of the age of the device. I remember hearing it last more than seven hours but my barely last three hours.
Depends on the model, but on average a standard GBA and a SP both have the average life of about 15 hours, whereas the micro only has 5 hours. If your battery is old it will loose the ability to hold charge, I would recommend getting a replacement kit on ebay they're really cheap (about $5) and most of them come with a little screwdriver too that you will need.
Thanks for the information, because I had been wondering about how long do the batteries last in these little game systems. I've never actually played any games on it myself so maybe the battery lasts longer?

I got my GBA from my nephew who proceeded to play a few games on it and then never used it again. He gave it to me after it had been sitting on a shelf in his closet in a box with his GameCube for about 6 months to a year. That's how I got my N64 too. He'd play the games for a while, eventually beating them to his satisfaction and then wait for the next system and game. He always gave me his systems. :) (Only reason I didn't get his Wii was because his mother, my sister decided she wanted it back when he was finished with it. LOL)

I got my Wii from my oldest son. I bought it for $50. ..nearly new. He'd only ever played one game on it...decided he would rather get the newest Playstation and shortly after went and placed an order for Skyward Sword online. :D
I have an SP and that things can go for a long time it seems. Plenty of time for me to beat 6 golden coins anyway.
The GBA I have/had lasted for about 6 hours when I'm playing games all the time.
Can't really say how much it would last on standby since I never left it on without playing...
Yeah, I have to agree with Averus. 6-10 hours is pretty average for a normal Gameboy Advance.

Oh the days of buying batteries. I really don't miss it haha, rechargeable packs are the way to go. Also, I think the GBA had such good battery life was because of the lack of backlighting.
My SP seemed to last forever... sometimes I wouldn't have to charge it for days, and believe me, I played a lot of Pokemon back then! At least 10 hours sounds about right...

@jbeavis100 I've thought about that too, but chalked it off to the increased screen brightness of the more recent handhelds. Even the SP's backlight was nothing compared to the DS' strongest brightness, and if you had a plain Game Boy Advance, the flashlight add-on, though definitely not necessary, was really convenient and fairly popular. Sure, it was a little clunky, but it really eased the strain on your eyes. And it didn't take away any battery from your GBA.
My GBA last about 4 hours of playing video games. I mostly play Zelda Link To The Past on it all the time even at school, the teacher always yells at me for playing it but I mostly do my work in that class so she doesn't do anything about it except lecturing me and after that she just leave me alone playing video games while she takes other student phones and stuff lol.
My SP seemed to last forever... sometimes I wouldn't have to charge it for days, and believe me, I played a lot of Pokemon back then! At least 10 hours sounds about right...

@jbeavis100 I've thought about that too, but chalked it off to the increased screen brightness of the more recent handhelds. Even the SP's backlight was nothing compared to the DS' strongest brightness, and if you had a plain Game Boy Advance, the flashlight add-on, though definitely not necessary, was really convenient and fairly popular. Sure, it was a little clunky, but it really eased the strain on your eyes. And it didn't take away any battery from your GBA.

Yeah, you are quite right about that. The screen for the 3DS is alot brighter and clearer than the earlier Nintendo portables plus there is the fact that it renders twice for the 3d effect.
My experience with the SP, I'd get around 10-12 hours with the backlight on. The original GBA ate batteries every 2-3 days for me and I'd get like 15 hours or so. The good news is that the SP takes the same battery as the original DS, so it's fairly easy to locate batteries to replace it.
Yeah I've played my GBA SP for hours upon hours. I have no idea how long mine lasts, but it's a LONG time.
I have had an SP for a long time, like 3 yeas and she still runs like a charm. My game boy might be out of the average, but from what I hear most last at least a couple of years.

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