3DS Brief history of Nintendo Handhelds


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Game Boy Advance
I thought you guys might like this little history lesson of everyone's favourite games company!

Ooh, that was a very cool video. I liked how the video included all of the handheld systems, even the lesser-known ones, such as the GB Micro.
Glad you liked it! :)

The GB Micro was an unsung hero. It came out too late in the GBA's lifetime, and too early in the DS lifetime to really do anything other than be a last cash grab, but weirdly people are going nuts for it now
I agree, the GB Micro could have been an interesting handheld, if it weren't for the Nintendo DS being released shortly after. Also, being the Nintendo fan that I am, I tried to add a GB Micro to my collection of handhelds, but they were waaaay too expensive, especially on eBay when I last checked. :eek:
That' really cool!!

I remember seeing a bunch of Nintendo consoles out on display at the Nintendo store in NYC, and this reminded me of it a little...
That was quite the nice video. It was really cool to see how Nintendo has improved on the DS over the years. It was also cool to see what previous generations had before the DS.

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