I have a New Nintendo 3ds and I must say I'm digging the game so far. I will definitely have to get the season pass so I can get all the extra content.
@Nomekop I was never a fan of the Dynasty Warrior Games also. Lol! The only reason I got it is because that it has Legend of Zelda in it. I have to admit though it is fun for what it is. If it didn't have Legend of Zelda and it was a Dynasty Warriors game I probably wouldn't like it. I would give it and 8.5 out of 10. I have only beaten the second level so I really can't judge it 100% yet.
It's tricky... in my opinion, any way you slice it Hyrule Warriors just seems to be 50% Dynasty Warriors and 50% true The Legend of Zelda. I might still recommend a rental even if you don't like Dynasty Warriors.