Disney Infinity Cancelled

Shame to see a SLC game studio close. They were one of the biggest.
I think it's a case of another one bites the dust then, and while it's always sad to see a game developer close (and take an upcoming game with it) I have a feeling that in this day and age it won't be the last one we'll see falling by the wayside.
^ Was not upcoming. Released some years ago just was ongoing with new movies and figures added.
this made an awesome Christmas present for my daughter when the first set came out. We had a blast on most of the sets, especially the Lone Ranger and Incredibles. When 2.0 came out and I realized we basically had to start over money-wise, well I got very discouraged. This turned out to be a little-too-obvious money making deal. I passed on spending another 70$ plus all the toys. If it would have been just the new sets, I'd have been all in.

I never did find Syndrome either
I've heard 300 workers were fired for this. That's what hit me the most about the news, I've never really cared much about Disney Infinity (even though their Star Wars figures were pretty sweet, I must say).
They were good children-targeted games, and it still was a nice way to keep kids close to their favourite movies/series. I would have probably loved it, if I were younger.

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