Switch Do you think the miis from the Wii, 3DS, Wii U consoles will be in the NX?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question to you all that I've been wondering myself for awhile now. First of all, let me just say that if there's already been a thread like this made on this forum or Nintendo has already answered this, then I'm sorry and the admin, @crunchyg , can feel free to remove this thread. Anyway, here is my question: Do you think the miis (the human-looking people that you can make to look like yourself, your friends or family members, etc. and play in several different games as them) that were on the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U systems will be on the NX? Sorry if I'm not explaining this very well, but I hope you understand what I mean. As for me, if I remember right Nintendo has already said that the NX won't be another Wii system, so I'm thinking that the miis will not make a return in the NX, but I might be wrong. Plus, I would like to see something else besides the miis, such as maybe something that's a little similar but perhaps a bit more realistic-looking, if you know what I mean. But, that's just what I think. So, thanks for reading, and feel free to share your thoughts on this below, I can't wait to read them! See you soon! :)
I see, thank you for sharing your thoughts about this guys, I appreciate it. Unfortunately I've never really heard of Miitomo, sorry. :( But I would be interested to hear what it's about. Thanks again. :)
@ChibiChan12 exactly! thats why i made sure to ask if you heard. Sounds awesome. This is a fine example of why i love this site, but miss Nintendo Power so much. What else cool stuff are we totally missing?
Nintendo has said a few times already the Mii's , Street Pass and Amiibo support will be here to stay. If I'm correct they said they wanted to expand on what it is already. Take it to the next level. The Mii's so far seem to be staying. I myself love having them on my system plus I love getting a street pass now and then. Plus they have the app coming that's like Tomodachi life and Mii Maker in one. The only thing I'm not sure of is if you have to create a new mii or you can also use an existing one from your 3ds, wii and Wii U.
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hey gang,its kind of a pain in the neck, but they are taking pre-registration for the miitomo game. May want to look into it. The site is glitchy so far, it wouldn't let me sign up my daughter after i did my reg. But I can't wait to check it out!
Yes, it does sound awesome @dustinb12. I hope it does well, after all a lot of people are excited about it. ^^ And ah, I see @billz30. Thanks for clearing that up for us, I appreciate it. :) And thank you to everyone else who replied to this and thanks for voicing your opinion on it. I agree, the Miis are probably here to stay.
I think they are..
I see, thank you for sharing your thoughts about this guys, I appreciate it. Unfortunately I've never really heard of Miitomo, sorry. :( But I would be interested to hear what it's about. Thanks again. :)
It's A Mobile Nintendo Game; the First of MANY in the Partnership of Nintendo and DeNA; the 2nd MORE Recent one is Super Mario Run.