Nintendo 64 Does anyone think Super Smash Bros on N64 is still the best?


Active Member
Jul 30, 2016
Game Boy Advance
I do, I remember playing it all the time, and with the advancements through out the years, I still feel like the game play was superior.

I have played newer versions on newer systems, but some games that came out in the 90s and early 2000s were some of the best one that I don't think should've been remade.
What? No, Meelee is best, with Wii U pretty decent. The N64 version does not have the fine-tuned controls and engine of Meelee.
Nah. Smash 4 is obviously the best Smash game (I just triggered the whole Melee community. :p ). I enjoy playing all of the Smash games, though, but the Wii U version is my all time favorite. :)
God no. Melee is trash now as well. Sure I have nostalgia for both but Smash is archaic and a proof of concept. Melee it a broken unbalanced game. Brawl was very sluggish. Smash 4 on Wii U is the best in the series. Balanced between Melee Speed and Brawl slower pace. Best roster the series ever had. Only thing I miss is the adventure mode Melee had.
64 feels slow and sluggish.

To me Melee is not fast. Just has a lot of glitches. The only thing that is fast in melee is when someone gets a smash attack on you... You fly pretty fast. ALSO FOX IS OP!

Ssbb was made to be anti competitive. Tripping? Really? Also brawl is super camping... Just saying. I love subspace doe. And it was my first smash game so i have a soft spot for it. And also it is just as unbalanced at melee.

Smash 4 is the best imo. Not full of glitches. Not to campy unless you play Rosaluma. Very well balanced for all the characters there are. The only problem with smash 4 is Rosaluma and Duck hunt duo.
For both Melee and Brawl, you would have to play at least a high tier to do decently in a tournament. Go look up all of high-bracket sets for major Melee tournaments on YouTube. What are the results? Mainly Fox and Falco, but some other high tiers mixed in as well. And Fox is not OP, @Nomekop, it takes a lot of skill to play him well. All of the top players that use Fox and Falco deserve their position. The beautiful thing about Smash 4(with the help of balance patches), is that it is extremely balanced. Just about every character can get high in a bracket. Look at the notable entrants from EVO 2016, for example. There is a lot more variety with the characters, even if a lot of them are high tiers.
64 feels slow and sluggish.

To me Melee is not fast. Just has a lot of glitches. The only thing that is fast in melee is when someone gets a smash attack on you... You fly pretty fast. ALSO FOX IS OP!

Ssbb was made to be anti competitive. Tripping? Really? Also brawl is super camping... Just saying. I love subspace doe. And it was my first smash game so i have a soft spot for it. And also it is just as unbalanced at melee.

Smash 4 is the best imo. Not full of glitches. Not to campy unless you play Rosaluma. Very well balanced for all the characters there are. The only problem with smash 4 is Rosaluma and Duck hunt duo.

Well looks like everyone disagrees with me, haha. It was because of technology. I still think that many older games are the best, not because the game engines, it's just the feeling I get when playing them, especially thinking about how I felt when they first came out I guess.
Yeah I see. When I go back and play older games (Especially ones I have played in the past), it really has a nostalgic feel. :)
90's is legit the best era in gaming history. PC games,Arcades,consoles and handhelds. The industry was in better shape. More risks were taken. More variety was made. It wasn't the faceless corporation mentality of today trying to find new ways to screw people out of was trying to find ways to sell more awesome stuff to people overall.I would rather play Rent a Hero No 1 over anything Naughty Dog makes with their mediocre games trying to be films like every other AAA game. Same franchises same old same old. A era with Genesis,SNES,Turbografx16,Neo Geo AES/CD,Saturn,PS1,Dreamcast,Game Boy,Game Gear,Nomad,Express,Neo Geo Pocket,Wonderswan. So much choice and every console had it's own personality and unique set of games. Now PC,XBO and PS4 feel the same. No personality to them. Nintendo still has that. Why I like them. They still focus on games being fun and the system itself matches the games.
Well looks like everyone disagrees with me, haha. It was because of technology. I still think that many older games are the best, not because the game engines, it's just the feeling I get when playing them, especially thinking about how I felt when they first came out I guess.
Just out of mild curiosity, have you played the N64 Smash lately? And it's successors?
If it is not the best, it is certainly up there for me. I have really liked all of the versions of Super Smash Brothers and it has always been my go to game, and I know that I am not alone there. The GameCube one was pretty good too, but there was a lot more buttons and characters so the relative simplicity of the N64 versions seems nicer at time. I guess it is just a matter of personal choice.
I'm a huge fan of super smash bros! I would say I prefer the Nintendo 64 version over the melee (gamecube) version. There's something compelling about the glitchyness of the Nintendo 64 version that the fluidity of Melee doesn't have. Obviously I wouldn't choose the 64 for competitions but it's a classic you cannot over look.

What's great with these games is that no matter how long you play it's different every time. The possibilities are endless!
"What's great with these games is that no matter how long you play it's different every time. The possibilities are endless!"

Amen to that. I will always have a place in my heart for SSB, especially on the Nintendo 64, and for this reason exactly. It seems like every time you pick it up, it is a new experience, like you were playing it for the first time. I think a good mix of the melee in GameCube and 64 is a good route. Thank for sharing.
Well, seems like we have a lot of things in common here, I absolutely think it has been the best Super Smash Bros version ever, I do not really know what makes the game so special, I just could not tell, it just is what it is, however, I really appreciate the whole game itself, it's really the best version I have ever played so far.
Just out of curiosity, when did you guys play Smash N64 last?

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