Does the original Super Mario Bros stand the test of time?

Thomas Ennis

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2013
Super NES
We all remember playing Super Mario when the Nintendo came out. Most of us had long hours of fun racing against the clock, trying to get a higher position on the flag pole, and dodging Bowser's fireballs. I asked myself a question ealier today, "did it stand the test of time". To me, the answer is not really.

Although it was great for it's time, it was so utterly surpassed by Mario 3, that I would most likely not even bother to download it. I do admit to a certain nostalgia when I see the game, but it no longer has anything to offer compared to 3. Many of you will probably disagree, but I don't see myself playing the original Super Mario anytime soon.
I completely agree. The game has little to offer compared to its successors. I sometimes play it on my 3DS and just can't find any fun in it anymore. The levels seem easy compared to 3, the graphics are archaic compared to 3, and the control scheme can feel broken. I never did play this game in my early childhood, since my first console was an NES, than shortly after I got an N64. But I did track down an NES 5 years agoa and I have completed quite a large collection of games for it :) So consequently, it does not bring back a feeling of nastalgia to me. I can see why it was revolutionary for its time, but today a lot of what made it great has been further improved upon to the point the game feels broken. Much like Ocarina of Time for the N64.
That's like asking if the Beatles have stood the test of time. Their melodies are too simplistic by today's standards and most young kids don't care much for their songs. But they laid a huge chunk of the foundation for today's pop and rock music, and everyone in the music business today owes a part of their success to the Beatles.

Super Mario Bros did the same thing for games. It completely reinvented video games for the home market. Maybe you had to play it back then to know how it felt to see something that looked, sounded, and played 10x better than anything that came before it. Out of the tens of thousands of games that exist today, including all the major blockbuster franchises on different platforms, nearly all of them have borrowed something or built on the original Super Mario Bros.
crunchyg said:
That's like asking if the Beatles have stood the test of time. Their melodies are too simplistic by today's standards and most young kids don't care much for their songs. But they laid a huge chunk of the foundation for today's pop and rock music, and everyone in the music business today owes a part of their success to the Beatles.

Super Mario Bros did the same thing for games. It completely reinvented video games for the home market. Maybe you had to play it back then to know how it felt to see something that looked, sounded, and played 10x better than anything that came before it. Out of the tens of thousands of games that exist today, including all the major blockbuster franchises on different platforms, nearly all of them have borrowed something or built on the original Super Mario Bros.
You are correct sir, in that, the games influence cannot be overestimated. I get what you're saying about the beatles, however, just because a melody is simple, doesn't make it outdated and obsolete. To me, the first Super Mario is just that.
I can literally sit down and play the original Super Mario brothers for hours on end. The game was just perfect in so many ways, it was simple, straight forward, fast paced and most importantly, it was a lot of fun. I liked the sequels a lot too, and sometimes I pull them out and play them as well. But the original will always be my favorite. No matter how many times I'm told my princess is in another castle.
I guess everyone has their own game preferance. Maybe I should go back and revisit the orginal Super Mario and see what I think. An open mind is always good.

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