All of my systems that I have still work. When it comes to handhelds, the only ones that I ever had were...
Gameboy - (Grey)
Gameboy Color - (Yellow)
Gameboy Advance SP - (Blue)
Nintendo DS-Lite - (White)
Nintendo 3DS - (Aqua)
Technically, I have a PSP too, but I don't count it. See, it originally wasn't mine. It was my roommates. He bought the original DS and PSP when they both came out, because he couldn't decide what he wanted more. He loved the Gameboy Advance, and we used to play Advance Wars against each other all of the time, with a link cable. Fun times indeed. However, he decided that he didn't like the DS, but he loved his PSP. So I got to play the DS a lot when it came out, since he rarely touched it. So it worked for me. By the time I was able to buy my own DS, the Lite version was just announced. So I held off for the Lite, and got that instead. I loved that so much. However, my friend got tired of the PSP. He began to resent it, and hate it. He disliked a lot of the games on it, and felt that the movies and games were too expensive for it, and that it was too big and cumbersome to take around all of the time. He ended up putting Nintendo emulators on it, and only used it to listen to music, watch videos off of his memory card, and play Nintendo games on it. In fact, he prided himself on playing Nintendo games on the PSP, and showed it off to everybody. But eventually, the novelty of the PSP wore off, and he got tired of it all together. So he tried to sell it to me, but I didn't want it. I wasn't a fan of the PSP, and I was having way, way too much fun on my DS-Lite. But eventually, it got to the point where he just said screw it, and just gave it to me, because he wanted to get rid of it so much. So I took it, since it was free. But I immediately put it in my drawer, and never touched it again. Ever. Never turned it on once since I officially owned it. I was 100% in the DS corner by this point. I had a ton of games for that. So anyways, yeah, I officially own a PSP too, but I don't count it, as it wasn't mine to begin with, and I've never touched it since. So, technically, I own one, but I never count it.
My original Gameboy still works. In fact, about 2 years ago, I let my friend borrow it, as he had never seen one in real life. He didn't grow up with video games much. He was very limited on his gameplaying. But his favorite franchise is Metroid. He got to play that on the NES, and he was in love with it. He had heard about the Super Nintendo version, but never got to play it. His parents never had a lot of money growing up, so video games were out of the question for him. He only got to play at friend's houses. But when the Wii first came out, he was awestruck. He drooled over the Wii. Especially over the virtual console. He loved going back and playing the older games that he did as a child. It brought back good memories for him. And when Metroid came out, he went all out on that game. He knew everything. He had the whole map memorized and knew where to go and what to do and what order to them in. He had it all figured out, and memorized for all of these years. So when he got it, boom, he breezed right through the game. So I mentioned to him about part 2, and he had never heard of it. He thought that the Super Nintendo was part 2, but he had never played that. So I pulled out my original brick Gameboy, and brought with it Metroid 2, and let him borrow it. He had a blast with it. He didn't know about the "sticky ball" where you can climb walls, and things like that. That wasn't in the first game. So he, just a couple of years ago, got to experience that for the first time.. as an adult. He loved it.
So yeah, my Gameboy still works. I have it put away again. But it still works. Works like a charm still too. I refuse to get rid of any of my old consoles tho. Or games either, for that matter. I keep everything. I just pack them up and store them away, properly. I'll put them out, from time to time. Mostly to show them off to people who had never seen them (like the Commodore 64), and/or to let them play a game that they never got to play, and isn't available on the virtual console or anything like that. For my Commodore 64, I have an old tv that I used to play it on. It's a small one. It has like a 15 inch screen. But it had the connections in the back that I need in order to hook them up. Modern tv's don't have those connections anymore. So when that tv eventually goes out, I won't be able to play my Commodore 64 anymore. Not unless I get a 'new' older tv. So I don't like to pull that out too, too much. I will, proudly. But I try not to press my luck on it. But it does amaze people still.
As an Epilogue, my friend did finally get around to playing Super Metroid on the Wii. It's now his favorite game, ever. So that's cool. It's also his favorite franchise too. ... But yeah, my original Brick Gameboy still works.