

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
pwarbi said that maybe we shouldn't expect people on these forums to be our best friends, and also, I would rather have enemies than people who act fake toward me. So, let's become enemies! I need the kind of person who lets you know they are thinking about you....... by throwing a brick through your window. ;)

Maybe I'm not being entirely serious, but hey, let's bring some life to the forum! We need some comic relief after that whole "Am I hostile?" thread and some of the things going on lately, some of which were probably my fault.
I don't have enemies on the interwebs. Sure people who may not like me but I am not enemies with anyone. That would be silly. It's petty. I don't have time for it. Been posting on forums for 21 years and to get angry at someone on a forum...

Sega sucks and Xenoblade X has a relationship with your mom. Oh, and you're still pretty young in the grand scheme of things.

I'm terrible. Someone should probably just ban me now.
My mom liking XCX would be awesome. SEGA isn't very good these days overall compared to what they used to be. I am still young but my heart is almost quite literally 80 years old. :(

I win because I have Misadventures of Tron Bonne!...and all these soundtracks! While you call me names I drown it out with music to my ears! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

.....unless you play the Birthday song from Jet Set Radio Future. Then I die..it's my one weakness.... :(
Tron Bonne was a great game. I cannot hate anyone who likes Tron Bonne, so I will have to just move on.
Do people really have enemies on the internet? I never expect people on forums to be my best friend, but I certainly don't expect them to hate me. I've never experienced any sort of war on the forums. I don't even think I've had a dispute with someone in a thread. I just think it's a bit silly to get upset over someone on the internet because it's so easy to get away from it.

I will gladly be someone's enemy, though. I will take the reigns and hate you! Ha ha, I'm kidding. :p
Enemies do require the same amount of passion and commitment as friends
There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with one another as long as we don't resort to personal attacks on each other, which I haven't seen any of.
^ Nice canned response. But the fact is, people have been pretty rude to joshposh, and I will stick up for him until the cows come home. Though, this really doesn't have a ton to do with this subject. I guess what started this subject is that I know this forum isn't the best for making friends, and I would rather people be my adversary than pay no attention to me at all. Because talking to yourself gets boring.
Actually, up until recently I noticed that people on this forum are usually really kind and very supportive of one another, even when we disagree. I'm not sure how often they still visit the site that often anymore but @Hyrule Chicken and @Y0shiM0n have always been super fun to talk to. @dustinb12 is always really pleasant as well, and @joshposh was here when I first joined and he was always very nice and had interesting topics to discuss. It's nice to see him back, actually. You're a cool guy too, @Shane , even though I don't know you very well yet.

Even now, I wouldn't say I see a lot of rudeness per say, but I do understand why there is concern. Some users can be rather abrasive, which can be really hard to deal with sometimes.
With me I find I have a pretty terrible memory when it comes to people and events (I suspect I have SDAM but I need to get a professional opinion), and generally I can't really place personalities to names, or even who said what. Unless I'm looking back I don't really recall what I have said and to whom, and can end up saying the same things over again on the same thread.

...how recent would you say? I only joined a few months ago.
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Actually, up until recently I noticed that people on this forum are usually really kind and very supportive of one another, even when we disagree. I'm not sure how often they still visit the site that often anymore but @Hyrule Chicken and @Y0shiM0n have always been super fun to talk to. @dustinb12 is always really pleasant as well, and @joshposh was here when I first joined and he was always very nice and had interesting topics to discuss. It's nice to see him back, actually. You're a cool guy too, @Shane , even though I don't know you very well yet.

Even now, I wouldn't say I see a lot of rudeness per say, but I do understand why there is concern. Some users can be rather abrasive, which can be really hard to deal with sometimes.

thanks! that made my day!

i always kept it calm and PG because I'm Dad first, and sometimes its hard to tell ages of folks so i treat people like i'd want my daughter treated. I also know what its like to be blasted on a forum, Zelda Dungeon roasted me needlessly one afternoon and i found my way here. I guess i also learned from many mistakes I've made in life teasing people.

As for enemies, well i love you all!
Thanks GunGunW. I suppose the things you should know about me is that I'm hard to get along with. For example, being my acquaintance is much easier than being my friend, because I have high standards for friends. I have to after what happened at another Nintendo forum with a couple of renegade members. Segata and I both seem to have similar disabilities, but in some ways, certainly not all, I'd say I am worse off than him. I have bad schizophrenia. Contrary to popular belief, this does not make me violent, but it does make me a bit socially awkward and disabled. I have recently greatly cut down on Nintendo games and started playing XBox One. I feel like my heart might even lie with PC, but if it does, I might try to play on it with Elite XBox One controllers.
I do have a better handle on it but only through years and years of good professional help. I have a mild case of Aspergers and Schizoid Personality Disorder. I let a lot go when people get upset at ya. I 'm oblivious to many things and people assume everyone should know but I don't. So they sometimes get angry with me but I no longer let it bother me. I understand that they don't understand that I don't understand lol. I am trying to understand however. World is a bit more coo coo when you're coo coo :p
i really appreciate @Segata and @Shane for sharing these really personal things. i really feel like like i've learned some things. Thanks. And while at work today, i realized how lucky we are to have a forum so cool and relaxed, we have to have an "Enemy" thread. Haha!

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