Wii Essential games


Active Member
May 26, 2013
I want to eventually get a Wii U, though it may not be for a while, and I'd like to catch up on all the Wii games that I missed out on. What are the most essential Wii games? That is, what are some exclusive games that I absolutely need to play? I don't really care for third-party games on NIntendo consoles, so that's not really what I'm talking about.
Super Mario Galaxy
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Wii Music
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
Dr. Mario Online Rx (WiiWare)
Excitebike: World Rally (WiiWare)
Bomberman Blast (WiiWare)
Super Mario Galaxy - all the Nintendo hard and OCD completion points you could want
Zelda: Skyward Sword - the best of the Wii's capabilities
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - very, very dark and yet you have to play it
Skylanders - great for the kids, but also addictive for adults
Mad World - hilarious and violent
No More Heroes - hilarious and fun

That's enough to be starting with I think.
I thought I heard that Metroid: Other M was pretty disappointing? I mean, I know it depends on the individual, so it's really hard to say. Skyward Sword would pretty much be my first purchase if I do buy a Wii U, though. The fact that there are so many must-play games gives me that much more incentive to buy a Wii U, though it probably won't be for a while (and I'm still hoping that they'll drop the price sometime soon).
For the record Metroid: M was pretty disappointing. Some of my friends have described it as Twilight meets space marine. The massive plotholes and unnecessary restrictions make the game really difficult to get through. That said, a few of those same friends loved it to death. I don't know why, but as long as you pull it from the bargain bin I suppose it's worth a try. Skyward Sword is definitely a requirement.
The only people who were disappointed with Other M are first-person shooter fanboys who expected another boring Metroid Prime sequel and whined when they didn't get one. Those who liked the 2D Metroid games really appreciated how competently the transition to 3D was handled. It wasn't quite as elegant as the Zelda 3D transition with Ocarina of Time, but still a darned good game. And much of the gameplay in Other M still uses the 2D perspective, which is really enjoyable.
Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of the "classic" Nintendo franchises, with the exception of Pokemon and Legend of Zelda. I don't dislike them; I just didn't grow up in that generation and don't feel as strongly about them. I really like some of the spin-off games, though. I think the Metroid: Other M thing depends on your own tastes, though.
Donkey Punch said:
The only people who were disappointed with Other M are first-person shooter fanboys who expected another boring Metroid Prime sequel and whined when they didn't get one. Those who liked the 2D Metroid games really appreciated how competently the transition to 3D was handled. It wasn't quite as elegant as the Zelda 3D transition with Ocarina of Time, but still a darned good game. And much of the gameplay in Other M still uses the 2D perspective, which is really enjoyable.
As someone who doesn't generally play FPS I feel somewhat insulted. The moreso as my issues were with things like - there is a macguffin I could seriously use for this part, but in order to get it I need to both get through this extremely sucky situation and be given permission to use it. Why? Why is one of the poster children for strong female player suddenly sapped of her free will and forced to deal with manufactured BS? That is why I hate it... so much. Also the controls rather sucked (at least for special moves and such). Also there was nothing like a coherent storyline but that should be expected considering the shuffling about between people and teams and such.
I've only played Metroid games very briefly, so I suppose I have nothing to really compare it to. But I know what you're talking about with Samus being one of the strong female characters in video games. When I saw the trailer for Other M way back, I thought it looked very unusual for the character--and that's coming from someone with minimal knowledge of the franchise as a whole. I hope they make another (good) Metroid game soon, though.
Joker99352 said:
I've only played Metroid games very briefly, so I suppose I have nothing to really compare it to. But I know what you're talking about with Samus being one of the strong female characters in video games. When I saw the trailer for Other M way back, I thought it looked very unusual for the character--and that's coming from someone with minimal knowledge of the franchise as a whole. I hope they make another (good) Metroid game soon, though.
See - that's my biggest beef. Even someone with limited awareness of the franchise can see this is a major departure from the spirit of the game. Seamus is an awesome merc first and foremost, she is a chick by incident. This flip the script and made it all about her being a girl who needs to be led by the hand via some dude I don't care about. Add on the poor control scheme, the worthless storyline, and whatever else... really quite worthless game IMHO.
Zelda Skyward sword
Mario galaxy
Mario galaxy 2
NSMB wii
Super Smash bros brawl
Metroid trilogy
Donkey Kong Country returns
Mario kart wii
Those are about it!
The other reason I didn't get a Wii was because of the weird controls on some games. It's not that they were bad, but it was generally more difficult to jump from the kinds of games on the Xbox 360 and PS2, which were the consoles I used around the time the Wii came out. It wasn't bad, exactly, just a little counter-intuitive. That's just me being picky, though, and I can get over it once I start playing Wii games.
i know you prefer 1st party, but here's a few obscure that i love

Kirby's 20th anniversary pack
A boy and his Blob

for the record i loved Other M
I recommend you get Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
In my opinion, it's the best game you can have on the Wii. It represents the concept that Wii has introduced into gaming: Your muscles will hurt, you will sweat, and you will curse a lot!
It's just an awesome game - you're playing and working out at the same time :)

Tip: Play with at least two friends. It will be the best fun you had in a long time! :D
can't believe i forgot Mario Party 9. one of my favorite games. also Fortune Street is a blast, if you like board games
Oh how I hate daisy for stealing my stars in that one match in Mario Party 3 on the n64!
My gf and I (yoshi and waluigi) played vs 2 cpus (Daisy and DK). I had gathered 8 stars, my gf had 7 and daisy and DK had 2 stars each.
Three turns before end of game, Daisy steals all my stars! :angry:
In the end, my gf won with 11 stars, but I still hate Daisy and I will hate her forever! -_-

Anyways, I forgot to mention Super Smash Bros too. I wasn't so much into the game, but when I played with friends it became one of the most fun games ever! :D

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