
Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2014
So, I never took the time to write them down. It was actually more fun than tedious. Was unaware I owned 90! Which in turn made me shop for ten more because I'm pretty sure I have some kind of OCD. Also gave me an opportunity to shine a few of them up that are sans box:

  1. 8 Eyes
  2. A Boy and his Blob: Trouble on Blobonia
  3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
  4. Adventures of Bayou Billy
  5. Adventures of LoLo
  6. Air Wolf
  7. Alien Syndrome
  8. Arch Rivals
  9. Back To The Future
  10. Back To The Future II & III
  11. Bases Loaded
  12. Bases Loaded 3
  13. Batman
  14. Batman Returns
  15. Batman: Return of The Joker
  16. Battletoads
  17. Battletoads Double Dragon
  18. Bible Buffet
  19. Bionic Commando
  20. Blades of Steel
  21. Blaster Master
  22. Bomberman
  23. Bump n' Jump
  24. BurgerTime
  25. Castlevania
  26. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
  27. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
  28. Caveman Games
  29. Championship Bowling
  30. Chiller
  31. Clash at Demonhead
  32. Cobra Command
  33. Cobra Triangle
  34. Code Name: Viper
  35. Contra
  36. DarkMan
  37. Day Dreamin' Davey
  38. Defender of the Crown
  39. Demon Sword
  40. Dick Tracy
  41. Disney's Chip N' Dale: Rescue Rangers
  42. Disney's DuckTales
  43. Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
  44. Disney's The Little Mermaid
  45. Double Dragon II: The Revenge
  46. Double Dragon III
  47. Double Dribble
  48. Dr. Chaos
  49. Dr. Mario
  50. Excite Bike
  51. Fester's Quest
  52. Final Fantasy
  53. Fist of the North Star
  54. Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates
  55. Friday The 13TH
  56. Ghosts N' Goblins
  57. Ghostbusters II
  58. Ghoul School
  59. Golf
  60. Golgo 13
  61. Goonies II
  62. Gotcha: The Sport!
  63. Gremlins 2: The New Batch
  64. Guardian Legend
  65. Hogan's Alley
  66. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
  67. Hoops
  68. Ice Climbers
  69. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  70. Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors II
  71. Jack Nicklaus Golf
  72. Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
  73. Jaws
  74. Joe & Mac
  75. Jordan vs. Bird: One on One
  76. Journey to Silius
  77. Kabuki Quantum Fighter
  78. Karnov
  79. Kid Niki Radical Ninja
  80. Kings of the Beach
  81. Kirby's Adventure
  82. Krusty's Fun House
  83. Kung Fu
  84. Labyrinth
  85. Legend of Zelda
  86. Zelda II
  87. Little Nemo: The Dream Master
  88. M.C. Kids
  89. Mac-Max
  90. Mad: Spy vs. Spy
  91. Mad Max
  92. Maniac Mansion
  93. Mega Man 3
  94. Mega Man 4
  95. Metal Mech: Man and Machine
  96. Metroid
  97. Mickey Mousecapade
  98. Monopoly
  99. Monster Party
  100. Monters in my Pocket
  101. NARC
  102. Ninja Gaiden
  103. Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
  104. Operation Wolf
  105. P.O.W.
  106. Paper Boy
  107. Platoon
  108. Quattro Adventure: Boomerang Kid-Super Robin Hood-Treasure Island Dizzy-Linus Spacehead
  109. R.B.I. Baseball
  110. R.C. Pro-Am
  111. Rad Racer
  112. Rampage
  113. Renegade
  114. Rescue: The Embassy Mission
  115. Ring King
  116. River City Ransom
  117. Robo Warrior
  118. Rollerball
  119. Rush N' Attack
  120. Sesame Street: 123
  121. Sesame Street: ABC
  122. Shadowgate
  123. Shooting Range
  124. Silent Service
  125. Silk Worm
  126. Silver Surfer
  127. Skate or Die
  128. Skate or Die 2
  129. Skull & Crossbones
  130. Sky Shark
  131. Sonic The Hedgehog
  132. Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti
  133. Spy Hunter
  134. Star Soldier
  135. Star Tropics
  136. Star Tropics II: Zoda's Revenge
  137. Stryder
  138. Super Contra
  139. Super Dodge-ball
  140. Super Mario Bros. 2: Lost Levels
  141. Super Mario Bros. 2
  142. Super Mario Bros. 3
  143. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
  144. SuperSpike V'Ball
  145. Target: Renegade
  146. Tecmo Super Bowl
  147. Tecmo World Wrestling
  148. Terminator 2
  149. Tetris
  150. The Flinstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy
  151. The Immortal
  152. The Legend of Kage
  153. The Punisher
  154. The Rocketeer
  155. The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man
  156. The Simpsons: Bart Vs. The Space Mutants
  157. The Simpsons: Bart Vs. The World
  158. Thundercade
  159. Time Lord
  160. Tiny Toon Adventures
  161. Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland
  162. TMNT
  163. TMNT II: The Arcade Game
  164. TMNT III: The Manhattan Project
  165. TMNT: Tournament Fighters
  166. Tom & Jerry
  167. Top Secret Episode: Golgo 13
  168. Totally Rad
  169. To The Earth!
  170. Track & Field II
  171. Trick Shooting
  172. Trojan
  173. Werewolf: The Last Warrior
  174. Wheel of Fortune
  175. Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna White
  176. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  177. Wild Gunman
  178. Wolverine
  179. World Games
  180. Wrath of The Black Manta
  181. WWF Wrestlemania
  182. X-Men
  183. Yo-Noid!
  184. Yoshi
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You have a lot of NES games that I don't have and I just got my 250th NES game yesterday.
lol Way to totally show me up! I really wanted to throw a star rating next to them to spice up the list but laziness took over.

I, actually, just happened to pick up Kirby's Adventure, Demon Sword, Metroid, Tiny Toons 1, Tiny Toons 2, Cobra Command, Target Renegade, & Mega Man 3. Really decently priced. I wasn't kidding about that OCD thing me thinks. Now you've triggered it again!

*Hops online and searches for one hundred and fifty-two games to purchase*
I just updated my list, added the seven tested in bold, and in a week I intend to update again. I have a few not up yet because I have yet to try them. I actually found three titles I wanted to share once I figure out why they even exist :eek:

Sadly, I passed the hundred marker at this point. Now, I have to round the number out.
I'm on 253 NES games. just picked up 3 today at Game X Change. and I have another NES game coming in the mail 100% FREE not even a peeny spent from Listia, called Gauntlet.
Same page, NC. I think we may very well walk in the same circles ;)
I updated again. Three pretty interesting ones: Labyrinth, Sonic The Hedgehog, & Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti. I really love the Splatterhouse game. It's adorable and gruesome simultaneously. You can't go wrong with that in my book.
Sonic The Hedgehog? Is that a unlicensed or pirated NES game? Can you take some photos of the game cart and some screen shots of the game if it's on the NES. I would like to upload it to my website.
Exactly what I thought. BUT here's the image:

Apparently like the other two, it's a Japanese import converted to the US/Canadian model. Apparently.
i got to get my hands on a copy of this game. The rarest NES game I have is Duck Maze. It was created by HES.
I checked out that one. Cool stuff. I really want Panic Restaurant. Not because of the numeric value people put on it but because I loved the heck out of that game. It really sucks that it's sooo expensive nowadays.
Updated the list again. Didn't highlight the additions because I felt like there were just far too many.

On a side note: The Magic Eraser *WHEN USED PROPERLY* gets rid of permanent marker from the 80's beautifully. Amazing.
Wow! Colour me impressed! I am truly in awe of your collection JoanMcWecch! I salute you, and I also salute whatever ingenious mad man made a NES cartridge for Sonic the Hedgehog! :)
Hey, thanks. I'm unsure what number I'm at now. The Sonic is a great game but I am faaaaar more impressed with the Splatterhouse. It was actually the only game I had never played before in my collection. Also most impressive.
Added another update to my list. I'm really rounding the bases with games left over that I would like to pick up but I've got my eye on a some rare ones I'm hoping dramatically drop in price when the apocalypse comes.
Holy cow @JoanMcWench! I thought having 60 to 65 cartridges was good lol. I obviously need to do some more hunting. :) And Sonic on NES? how have I never heard of that before?! I am going to visit my family this weekend and am certainly digging all of my NES stuff out. I'll let you know if I find any hidden surprises.
My man!! You had Shadow gate and Battle Toads. Those were some of my favorite NES games of all time. Shadow gate was addicting.
My man!! You had Shadow gate and Battle Toads. Those were some of my favorite NES games of all time. Shadow gate was addicting.

lol Thanks? Never gifted with a penis that would give me an equal wage though. :D

I think the most surprising thing I've found is how often I've found some crazy titles that I've never heard of before but still end up playing well to this day. We all know the mainstays of the system but there are a few titles I would have never thought I'd love.

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