Game Boy Game Boy Pocket different screens?


New Member
May 3, 2018
Game Boy Pocket
I am new here.
Soon I will make a Review to the Game Boy Classic, Pocket and Light.
Here I have two questions.

1. Why do have some Game Boy Pockets green Screens and other the newer silver Screens?

2. What exact release Dates do you know for the Pocket in Japan and in Europe? I only find 1996 but nothing more specific.

Thank you very much.
GBP was only released in Japan and North America as far as I know. And yeah, in 1996. I think the Japan release was a little before North America though. Sorry for the late reply!
Hi and thanks.
But you dont have any specific date?
And why some have green screens and others the newer silver ones?
I don't know the specific dates, most consoles I wouldn't even know the year at all, but I happen to love the Gameboy line (probably more than any other line of devices!) so I thought I did pretty good with knowing they were both in 1996!

I also don't know why some are green and some are silver. Maybe Nintendo just wanted to make one more variation that collectors would have to buy?
Well, I already have 8 pages full of information for my Youtube Review and I usually am as specific as it can be. But unfortunately the pocket seems only to be a footnote in the Game Boy franchise. So I will say yeah it was released in 1996. stupid... but what can I do. And that not one webpage mentions the screen difference is very sad.
The Game Boy Pocket originally has a grey/silver screen, but if you replace the front polarizing filter with one from HandHeldLegend, the screen becomes green. From what I've found, it's because the original front polarizing filter is a circular filter and the replacements are linear. That's about all I know at this point. Watch the front polarizing filter get replaced on YouTube and view the results at the end:
Love the Gameboy line myself, specifically the Gameboy Pocket. I usually pull mine out occasionally just to play Nemesis. Which leads to other games being played. I have had mine out this weekend for that very purpose.
Gameboy Pocket did indeed come out in Europe in Early 1997 and as for the green screen that's from the special "original gameboy" edition of the GB Pocket, only sold in Japan I think. I could be wrong though.
Well, I already have 8 pages full of information for my Youtube Review and I usually am as specific as it can be. But unfortunately the pocket seems only to be a footnote in the Game Boy franchise. So I will say yeah it was released in 1996. stupid... but what can I do. And that not one webpage mentions the screen difference is very sad.

Salutations, new comer. What is your YouTube Channel URL?
unfortunately I am still waiting for one Game Boy, so I couldnt finish my Game Boy Review yet.

You can visit me at my Youtube Channel

Or visit my forum with additional information.
Everything is in German right now. I really like to make my videos in English. I can speak and write in English, but I can't translate. So far no one offers me to help in this situation.
Well, my first Review to the GameBoy is uploaded.
If anyone understands German. :)

unfortunately I am still waiting for one Game Boy, so I couldnt finish my Game Boy Review yet.

You can visit me at my Youtube Channel

Or visit my forum with additional information.
Everything is in German right now. I really like to make my videos in English. I can speak and write in English, but I can't translate. So far no one offers me to help in this situation.

Sorry for the late reply. I have subscribed to your YouTube channel. You have a nice channel bro.

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