Wii U Games you want to see

I want to see a full 3D Donkey Kong game in the style of DK64, by Retro. Or a Starfox made by Platinum. Or both! Donkey Kong is my favorite Nintendo IP.
I want something that builds off the tech in a meaningful manner - something that involves horror, survival, and black humor. Other than that I'll cheerfully take something that builds off of portal jumping like in Bioshock Infinite where you're having to escape capture via locating and using rips in time-space. Never going to happen, but still a cool concept.
It would be fantastic if Eternal Darkness came to the WiiU but from what I read on various gaming articles, Silicon Knights went bankrupt and was not bought out. To my knowledge Eternal Darkness is lost in the dark...
I would have to go with a cliche choice, but seriously, Nintendo, no Star Fox? And another Punch Out game would be fun.
Pokemon Red and Blue! I was really upset when they said these games wouldn't make it to the virtual consoles. I don't think anybody would care if the Pokemon are stuck in the game and there is no way to transfer it. It would be very fun to be able to play on my T.V the very classic Pokemon game! Besides, barely anybody transfer pokemon from their old game anyways... It is to difficult to do so without proper tools.
I'm sure there will be a Metroid game, but they need a good one. Kid Icarus sounds like a good idea too. I remember playing that when I was younger. A good Zelda game and a good Mario game are a must. I have yet to play the WII U, so perhaps these games already exist.
There will be a good zelda and a good mario by the end of the year :) plus pikmin 3, DKCTF, and some other good 3rd party games. It will be a good holiday season to dust of my wii U and finally play it!
New Resident Evil, and a new Starfox, personally. I am shocked that given the many on-rails shooters we got for the Wii, we NEVER got a Starfox game. Its such a natural fit yet it never happened. We/Wii apparently threw it onto the nice-to-have instant money makers like a fully realized HD open world pokemon game.
Joker99352 said:
I do think a Pokemon game would be great. I've always wanted to see a game along the lines of Pokemon Stadium/Colosseum but closer in gameplay to the handheld Pokemon games. It would be an RPG-style adventure game, and could be turn-based just like the handheld games (except in 3D). Then you could basically follow the path of the handheld games, going to gyms and eventually the Elite 4. I think the technology has finally caught up with the idea and I'd like to see it happen.
This sounds great! I loved Pokemon Colosseum, it was very unique and felt quite different to the portable Pokemon games. It would make perfect use of the tablet too, you could make it into a Pokedex. The only problem is that Nintendo is very reluctant with Pokemon games, they like to save them exclusively for the portable console. But still I think that they are developing something like this as a wildcard, to release it when interest in the console fluctuates. Something like this would get people really excited about the Wii U.
Thomas Ennis said:
I'm sure there will be a Metroid game, but they need a good one. Kid Icarus sounds like a good idea too. I remember playing that when I was younger. A good Zelda game and a good Mario game are a must. I have yet to play the WII U, so perhaps these games already exist.
They did a recent Kid Icarus, but reviews were mixed and personally I wasn't too gleeful over it. That said I never really like Kid Icarus much so that may have colored my perception of the game overall. Having just put out Skyward Sword for the Wii I don't know how soon they'll do the same for the WiiU or if they will. The reason Nintendo gets away with having so many titles revolving around so few characters is because they tend to space the titles out. That said they'll probably working on a Mario title right now - one that doesn't involve carts or parties or... Sonic? right now.
I love to see a Kid Icarus game on the Wii U, I can only imagine how great it be.
A kid Icarus game would be pretty awesome, unfortunately, I believe Sakurai has basically shot it down.
I'd like an RPG done in the vein of a tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons. With the tablet being a natural design screen and dungeon master utility, it s a perfect fit, especially given the multiplayer aspect of the game.The Wii and Wii U are RPG-anemic in general, really, so something strong, especially with that sort of innovation, might be sorely desired.
That would be cool, too bad it will likely have to be a JRPG die to Bethesda and Bioware not supporting it :p. Unless someone else came out of nowhere and made an amazing RPG in the style of D&D that isn't Bioware.
I would like to see so many games that has not been announced and probably won't ever be ported to Wii U. I wanted to play Battlefield 3, Dishonored, Skyrim and other hardcore games like Dark Souls on my Wii U, but I guess we won't see these game on our beloved platform ever :(
There are a lot of different types of games that I like. Lots. And if I had to pick one game to make it's way to the Wii U, it would, for me, easily have to be Advance Wars. Advance Wars is one of my favorite franchises. And now that the Wii U is essentially a console version of a DS/3DS, an Advance Wars game would be perfect on the Wii U. I've probably put more hours into the Advance Wars franchise than perhaps any other franchise out there. So a Wii U Advance Wars would be an instant buy for me. I'd definitely be there on day one to pick that up.
Personally, I really want to see another game in the Tales of Symphonia series. The 'Tales of' franchise is amongst my favourite, and Tales of Symphonia is probably my all-time favourite game. I even loved the (highly controversial) sequel, despite it having a different sort of feel.

There's so much that could still be done with the Tales of Symphonia world, but I'd love to see a prequel of sorts. I don't want to go into it too much in case any of you haven't actually played it yet, but those who have will know what I'm talking about. There's so much that could be done by exploring the events transpiring before the first game, and a game with 'Symphonia' in the title would probably sell pretty well (at least by JRPG standards).
I came in here to say StarFox. The one on SNES and N64 was one of my favorite games back in the day. I got the GCN one on Day 1, but wasn't really a fan of that game. The ground and running levels were a bit weird for me, but I still think the series has potential and it can be an awesome experience on the Wii U.

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