

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
NintendoReport said he didn't care much for Gamestop. I actually love my local Gamestop and they seem to love me, after all I'm one of their best customers. Yet at the same time, their corporate policy has gotten bad. It used to be all the time they would have low trade in values but 50% trade in boosts. Now it's low values but 50% trade in boost if you buy Doom only. That's coming up tomorrow. Like, sorry Gamestop, but only 4% of us want Doom.
I don't actually mind gamestop either to be honest, and while I've not used them that much, I've found the deals to be better or at least the same as other retail outlets.

I guess it's just a matter of opinion though, as GAME is the biggest store in the UK and Europe but I don't like it in there for some reason.
I'm not sure if the same is true outside the US, but Best Buy does have better prices if you use Gamer's Club Unlocked. That being said, Gamestop's trade in values, though at times underwhelming and not what they used to be, still tend to be the best, in my opinion. (Ie, better than Wal-Mart and Best Buy)
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Would you not say though that as digital downloads become more and more popular, the trade in deals across all the outlets are going to start getting worse?

While didital downloads are still nowhere near as popular as hard copy sales, the trend is slowly starting to shift across all the consoles.
As strictly a Nintendo fan, i have serious love-hate with Gamestop. Obviously they don't like Nintendo much because over the years, the sections have gotten tinier and further in the back of the store. Also, when i tried to buy my wii u deluxe, of course they didn't have any and swore to the heavens i'd never ever find one. Yeah thats my take. Im glad Nintendo is finally selling their own games. Shoulda done that years ago
I've always heard nothing but bad rumors about them, and yet I've found them to be the best retail sellers around here. Yes, they do have a questionable return policy (sometimes they literally pay a few bucks for a game), but I don't see why they're so harshly criticized in every possible department. At launch, they have the very same prices you can find online, and same goes for preorders.
Sure, their prices tend to be a tad higher than the standard later, but you can't really blame them, they have way more expenses.
I've never had many issues with them. There are a couple things here and there but overall they're one of the better retail chains IMO.
Aside from a couple instances, my experience has been fairly good with gamestop. I really can't complain overall.
As strictly a Nintendo fan, i have serious love-hate with Gamestop. Obviously they don't like Nintendo much because over the years, the sections have gotten tinier and further in the back of the store. Also, when i tried to buy my wii u deluxe, of course they didn't have any and swore to the heavens i'd never ever find one. Yeah thats my take. Im glad Nintendo is finally selling their own games. Shoulda done that years ago

It is true that the Nintendo section as got smaller and smaller, but I just thought that might have been to do with the fact that Nintendo was slipping behind the other consoles in popularity.

It wouldn't do Gamestop any favours to alienate an entire community of gamers, especially now that Nintendo might be making a big comeback in the near future.
I hate Gamestop. I was a manager at Gamestop. The practices they have are BS. Throwing away good systems and games and cases. Selling people USED games as NEW(yes this is real as GS employees can rent new games for a couple days and bring them back and still sold as new). That crap magazine with the reviews are paid for. The price gouging. They throw away culture. The DO NOT REFURBISH. They send it to warehouse then sent to other stores and told it's refurbished. They destroy left over shwag like pre order bonuses and CE's to new games. I would take the stuff home and give it away for free to people. I still have some stuff left over. They do not hire people based on knowledge of games but how well they can push a sale. They make employees work a non commission,commission job,meaning how much pre orders and mags the sell determines hours they get. They pay employees the smallest amount they can where even Walmart pays above minimum wage. I have boycotted them since and go retro stores retail and online and Amazon. I go to stores like Play 'n Trade (light years better than GS,prices and practices and return policy and even able to play games before buying them) or Game Changerz here locally.

There is literally no point for anyone going there unless you like being ripped off and wondering why it's harder to find a older game or system because they threw it away for no good reason.
^ I believe you.

Off-topic but I'm also glad to have you around here. I was here before most of TheWiiU crew was and these forums were kind of boring and non-colorful before you joined. Don't get me wrong, it was a very good forum for a forum, but it needed someone not afraid to very boldly speak the truth.

I like my local Gamestop because they are always so nice to me and know me by name and go out of their way to help me. However, I can't tell how much of it is put on, how much is real.
I think that good staff and good customer service can often hide a multitude of sins when it comes to stores like this.

My local gamestop for example also have very friendly staff and they'll bend over backwards in order to help you, so when they do that, maybe you don't actually realise what sort of service your being provided with, and it might not be the best.

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