Nintendo 64 Goldeneye 007


Nov 4, 2012
Goldeneye 007 was by far my favorite game on the N64 and got me into FPS games. In my opinion, I think Goldeneye was the game that set it off for a lot of people and brought FPS into the forefront of developers minds. The game was a blast and even up until a few years ago, before I got rid of my N64 I would still play it.

Anyone else here love this game?

Or, even less likely, does anyone dislike it and why?
My friends and I would play this game pretty much every weekend we got together. This was pretty much our "bonding" game. At the time, the game was THE defacto fps game.

I think part of the reason the remake failed was because even though the game was great before, the fps has advanced a lot from those past days.

But GoldenEye will always be remembered as one of the legendary N64 games.
I bought this game the first week it released and it was awesome. Some parts were more fun than others and in some parts the dificulty level was just rediculous and you had to replay it over and over and over. I must have gone through the shuttle mission a thousand times before finishing it on hard mode. Great game!
I liked it during its time. Now I am spoiled by Call of Duty. I really don't like any other FPS anymore. At the time, Goldeneye was the only game that I could play with everyone, everyone had n64 but they didn't PC game. Now, I haven't even picked up the new 007 games, despite them being on the CoD engines. No killstreaks, no play :p
I have a very nostalgic feeling with Goldeneye, as I'm sure anyone old enough to have played it in the N64's heyday would. It showed that 3d first-person shooters really could work using a console's control scheme and broke out of the standard "pistol, shotgun, automatic weapon, rocket launcher, quirky energy weapon" dynamic. There was a wide variety of guns because they weren't limited to 1-0 on your keyboard, and many of them were just slightly different automatic weapons. This may have paved some ground for the over-saturated market of less fantastic "realistic" shooters we have today.

Interesting bit of trivia: Do you remember reading about a gun called the Spyder in the manual and never being able to find it in the game? Yeah, it's the Klobb. They changed its name at the last minute, likely because Spyder was too close to the gun's actual name, the Vz-61 Skorpion.
Best 007 game ever. My memories of playing late into the night with a friend or two are... well, golden :) I don't know if it was really a good game at all. The more I think about it, the more I seem to remember awful graphics, constantly being lost, horrible aim mechanics, and more... it's just, it was the first time my friends and I were able to shoot each other, I think, haha. And we all know shooting your friends is one of the core pillars of gaming.
"Don't look! That's cheating!"
That was actually rather fun to try to play with 3 other guys and trying not to cheat on a small Television splitted in 4.
And it was my first FPS, loved that game ^^
Guardian said:
Goldeneye 007 was by far my favorite game on the N64 and got me into FPS games. In my opinion, I think Goldeneye was the game that set it off for a lot of people and brought FPS into the forefront of developers minds. The game was a blast and even up until a few years ago, before I got rid of my N64 I would still play it.

Anyone else here love this game?

Or, even less likely, does anyone dislike it and why?
I completely agree with you! Goldeneye 007 paved the way for today's FPS games. I loved Goldeneye 007! I miss playing it.
I still have this game under my ownership and will never let it go. I played it all the time with my cousins, and I still play it from time to time. I have to agree that Goldeneye 007 set some standards, as did in my opinion, Perfect Dark. Both of these games ruled while they were popular. They had pretty fun missions and some good weaponry.
This was one of my main games back in the day. I don't even really remember the game though because it was mostly about killing other players with multiplayer. I loved that - I also loved the Golden gun... so much fun. I miss this game, but it ended up broken in the last move.
I never had the chance to try this game. I wanted to really bad though. I would watch my cousins play this game, and I would just watch in jealously. I'm thinking of just getting a rom for an emulator to try this game out.
Doom got me into FPS. But Goldeneye 007 was definitely a turning point in the genre.

We played Goldeneye a lot. My cousins and friends and I all got really good at it, and we played against each other so often, that we all knew each others tactics and hiding spots, and what not. So it made for some really intense matches. Every match was anybody's game to take. Everybody had a shot at winning. We knew each other that well. This game was definitely one of the highlights of the N64 era.