Hello everyone


New Member
Feb 9, 2014
Wii U
Decided to sign up because for the sakes of it.

I'm generally a man that plays lots of video games (at least 5 hours a day, usually much more). My favorite games are Guild Wars 2, Age of Empires II HD, Garry's Mod, Skyrim, Terraria, and Starbound. Though when I play other games, it's usually an on/off. I go with several gaming groups, so I don't always play with the game people, but I stick to close friends and online buddies.

If you'd like to add me on Steam, just hit me a PM, I'm very tolerant towards most things, and I try to be very equal and unbiased towards more hostile and controversial subjects. I'm more optimistic than pessimistic, but I'm pretty rational compared to the people I hang out with.

So, that's it. Nice knowing you guys.
Nice to meet you! I don't play a lot of steam in fact I own a 360 and I have a 3DS at college.

Enjoy the forums! :)
Nice to me you and Welcome to the forums. you will love it here.

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