Just joined


New Member
Sep 6, 2015
Nintendo 64
Welcome all Nintendo fans,

I just joined here, as I have a few questions on the upcoming Super Mario Maker for the Wii-U.

Let's start with a little bit of a background on me. I am 33 now, grew up in the NES days, loving the NES day from day 1. Loving so many games on the console, Contra, RC Pro AM, Skate or Die, Super Mario Bros 1,2,3, Duck Hunt, Marbel Madness...you know how it is, too many to list.

Then rolled along the SNES was instantly in love, and got it for a Christmas present that year. Of course got my Mario All-Stars game as well. Playing StarFox and Mario Kart all night long with friends.

Nintendo then released the N64 (favorite console). It brought us into the 3D open platform world with Mario 64. The vastness of the game, being able to run around the world, finding out new things, oh the joy. I first seen the N64 at Walmart, I was playing GoldenEye64, was hooked again on another Nintendo console. I remember telling my mother "It's so cool, you you can shoot at the walls and the bullet marks stay". Then I heard the News about how there was going to be an N64 shortage, I was crushed. One day when shopping at Walmart, I seen 1 console. Immediately I went to go tell my Mother about it. She said, and sigh "OK, we will go buy it for your Christmas present. But when you open it look excited". That was a really happy day. Got it on Christmas day, and played Mario 64 All Day Long on our new Projection TV.

That is where my love for the Nintendo consoles slowed down. I did purchase a Wii and 3DS but only kept my attention for so long. I just now pre-order the Super Mario Maker Wii-U bundle (as for $299, console, SMM, and 8bit mario Amiibo) is too good to pass up.

I am excited for the NX, I really hope Nintendo goes back to their roots and makes a killer console again. Never did care for the Wiimotes, or Nunchucks. Kind of hoping for a Virtual Boy 2, now that a lot of companies are jumping on the VR bandwagon.

Well that pretty much sums it up for me, I could type more but I will leave it at that.

Hey Nick, thanks for that introduction, and welcome! I experienced similar issues with Nintendo over the years, but in the end GameCube turned out to be one of my favorite consoles. Still love that system.
welcome, we are very similar, i just skipped the 64 (very regretfully). you are in the right place. I'm curious as to what you played on the 3ds that didn't keep your attention. i have games I've played for well over 100 hours. hope to see your thoughts around the site!