Switch Labo!


Staff member
Dec 23, 2013
Lafayette, LA

so i saw lots of folks complaining on twitter about this new project and i decided to check it out myself. The first thought that came to mind was "wow, and we got a 3d printer for Christmas!" I think the possibilities are unlimited here. This looks amazing, and I can kinda see where the Switch is going.

I say A+ Nintendo!
I'm still up in the air about this. It looks like it has potential. Whether or not it turns out to be a big success, I don't think it's for me. Too much clutter and extra stuff that I would probably eventually stop using fairly quickly. But that's a 38 year old with no kids talking. And I work with my hands installing/repairing electrical devices everyday.

With all that being said, I think it's a neat idea and hope it takes off. It's just for a different audience than me. I'll say this, Nintendo never fails to surprise me. With the rest of the industry making stuff for 4K and VR, Nintendo gets creative. I applaud that!
This does look sick. I never seen anything like this before. Even though there are tons of Gamers that are very frighten to try something new, I want to do this. It looks insane. (In a good way though)
I'm still up in the air about this. It looks like it has potential. Whether or not it turns out to be a big success, I don't think it's for me. Too much clutter and extra stuff that I would probably eventually stop using fairly quickly. But that's a 38 year old with no kids talking. And I work with my hands installing/repairing electrical devices everyday.

With all that being said, I think it's a neat idea and hope it takes off. It's just for a different audience than me. I'll say this, Nintendo never fails to surprise me. With the rest of the industry making stuff for 4K and VR, Nintendo gets creative. I applaud that!

Oh, no doubt it would end up at the bottom of the closet along with my wii fit balance board and Guitar Hero equipment. The first thing my wife said was "I would not spend 65$ on cardboard stuff, it won't last!" That's right, i won't either but i think people are passing judgement without knowing how deep of a game you're getting.

I said," I picture myself about 9 or 10 years old, seeing another kid walking around in a cardboard exoskeleton punching walls like a robot and just got excited!"

Will i buy it for me? Probably not. Maybe not. But you better BELIEVE if im at someone's house for Christmas and the kids get one, i will help them put it together!
I can't see this taking off. Maybe my mind is closed to something like this. I am baffled that Nintendo would do this. But they are the only video game company that is willing to step out on a limb to try something total bonkers.
@laughing robot i can definitely see your point. It kinda reminds me of the AR games on the 3ds: an awesome concept that i played with, well for maybe an afternoon. I really believe they know these 3d printers are the hot new thing, and just think if this would take off: They could sell just the programs of the cut outs.

My Wife has a Cricut, and for 10$ a month, access to there thousands of programs to make whatever you can dream of. That's just my take.
Everyone blames Nintendo for trying something new. When Nintendo came out with the Nintendo Wii with the Wiimote motion controllers, people didn't like the gimmick. But it caught on. it grew on us like a fungus, So Sony knew it was a great idea and made the Playstation move. I would love to use this. You don't know if you like something or not if you don't try it, & experience it yourself. After you tried it for a few days. then you can decide to either like it or dislike it. Why are people afraid to try new things that hasn't been invited yet? This is new. It's like when Woz invented the first computer with Jobs. It was new it wasn't out yet. Also look at the ipod, It's a 1,000 of songs in your pocket. it was new. All I'm saying is, Everyone should try something new. When I saw the pre release for the Nintendo Gamecube back in 2000 I thought why would the console be that small? I was nervous at first. But I tried it. Bought it played and bought over 100 GCN games for it. Just when something new comes out, doesn't mean it's bad. New things are sometimes good. Just give it a try.
This looks great, I just hope Nintendo announces more kits so there are more possibilities provided by Nintendo. I already pre-ordered the Variety Kit on Amazon since my family has Amazon Prime on a shared account, and my birthday is on March 22, so my parents are likely going to make that a birthday gift or pay for part of it for my birthday. This has great potential, and I hope they announce a lot more kits in the future. I will probably only buy the Variety Kit due to the price of the ktis, but if they lower the price a bit, and announce lots more kits, I'll likely buy a bunch more of these kits to play with as the possibilites for kits seem nearly endless.
I'm looking at this robot kit thing. At first glance I thought the cardboard headset thing held the switch inside it, kind of like one of sony's PS views. That would have been awesome. The piano looked pretty cool too. My only complaint is the price... $70 for the one with the motorbike and piano and stuff and $80 for the robot. I guess its not too bad, but I needed something to complain about! I will probably end up buying them anyway, despite the price xD
Why are people afraid to try new things that hasn't been invited yet?

I love new things and new technology. If I had more expendable funds I would be trying even more new gadgets. But the buy in for this is more than the price than a new AAA game. And I already know that it is something that I'd spend some time with at first and then get back to my old gaming habits. Same with something like VR. Maybe some day, but right now the buy in price is too high for me.

I know this from experience. I had Rock Band. I had PS Move. I even had a Wii for a very short time. Rock Band got played a ton for about a month and then hardly ever after that. Same with the PS Move. Wii was fun for the family, but that eventually died off and then I just played a few games that you sat on your couch for.

My point is I think this looks really fun...for the right audience. I just know from my past experiences that I'm not that audience. I like to just sit at my desk when I game.

I hope this sells really well because I think it's a very unique clever idea. Because then Nintendo keeps coming up with new clever ideas and it only helps the entire Nintendo brand and I'm sure one of those ideas will be for someone like me.

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