Wii U Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2016
Wii U
Who's excited? I was at the zoo when I saw the name and didn't get a chance to read the article; so the whole time I thought he would have a skinwalker ability to extend the TP's concept of turning into different animals.

But having a companion dog that's more resilient than Fallout's Dogmeat is cool too.
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I am kind of disappointed at how Nintendo's E3 is going this year. They didn't do well last year, so I was hoping that they would step it up this year. But what about all of the people who are Nintendo fans but not specifically Zelda fans (Like me)? I really hope that they announce at least some more stuff other than Zelda...
It's either this or have nothing for their NX, and Nintendo doesn't want a repeat of the Wii U. It works for me as I'll be preoccupied this year with getting my career sorted out.
I am kind of disappointed at how Nintendo's E3 is going this year. They didn't do well last year, so I was hoping that they would step it up this year. But what about all of the people who are Nintendo fans but not specifically Zelda fans (Like me)? I really hope that they announce at least some more stuff other than Zelda...
They did Pokemon too. :p More stuff tomorrow, and Nintendo minute did some indie stuff. They're mostly holding back for the NX.

Zelda is starting to look weird, I would still like hearts, ruppees, less hunter and gatherer, less technology, I mean tech is a cool twist but its a bit much.
Yeah, but I am not a Pokemon fan either, @TheDoctor_13 , so it kind of ruins E3 for me this year. I am already saving up my money for the NX though, lol. Though I won't be buying Breath of the Wild (Please don't hate me :p), so I hope we hear more NX news about games soon, even if it isn't at E3.
Haven't seen anything that screams, "you're going to hate this aspect" on Zelda yet. Some things have a chance to become irritating but I'm fairly confident Nintendo would make sure nothing is super annoying. Only real question I have is whether or not I'll be getting an NX and the NX version, though the answer to that is a ways off.
I think I'll like it. It looks like Windwaker and Twilight Princess had a baby which grew up in a Fallout shelter and emerged as a adult to the remains of the Old Kingdom.

I'm concerned that being able to wander around with just boxers on is going to encourage the Yaoi fanart.
I am Salty but Hype at the same time ItS 2 MuCh To hAndLe!
I feel as if it is not a true Zelda game with no Green Tunic and no noises instead of people talking. But at the same time it still looks so fun.
I just hope they make another 3d Zelda like the ones we are used to and this is just a one off. Maybe they make some like this but still some like Oot? Idk i just do not want this to be the new Zelda forever.
^ I do because they are going back to their roots in design and ideas that were once abandoned. Zelda was stale. It's sales started to decline. It needed to get away from the OoT formula just as OoT got away from the 2D formula. Zelda was original meant to be a Sci Fi game not that dissimilar from AssCreed series in living memories in the past and collecting 3 computer chips. Sci fi was dropped due to Metroid also being Sci fi. Last the climbing bosses was an idea they had for OoT in the final fight with Ganon. N64 hardware could not do it so the idea was later reused in Metroid Prime 2 and Mario Galaxy. It also became the main mechanic in a famous game on PS2.

Never been a big fan of the Zelda series but had an on and off relationship with it but this game has me very excited. From ARPG elements but it's NOT a RPG still and that's fine. They learned from Monolith how to make a great open world. I read on neogaf and someone did the math with the world map. They came up with 360 Square Kilometers or 139 Square miles. For comparison XCX is 400SQKM or 154 SQM. SO it's slightly smaller than XCX but like XCX doubles in size due to it's vertical exploration.

The art and Japanese logo is DIRECTLY from Studio Ghibli art and film. The influence is shameless.
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I like the world, but I am really unsure about hunting, gathering, no hearts & ruppees in grass (Whats the point?), selling items to get ruppees, gather multiple swords / bows, break after a few uses, technological focus. Feels too un-LoZ a bit for me.
while i was at work i peeped it from Twitter and thought it was cool. Then i got home and youtube'd it and was blown away. I like the "new" mechanics of eating and weapons. Kinda reminds me of Fantasy Life. It's beautiful, as they always are. Im very very impressed.

But like everyone else, i got something ugly to say (i can, i have Zelda tattoos) : anybody else can't help but wonder, why? Why didn't we get this this generation? I guess I'm finally mad with myself for all the money i spent on cool remakes that i could have on other cool new games. Anyway, i guess I'm just hoping we're getting the new and fresh console and game and not THIS generation's.
I loved this one so far from the small amounts we've seen, looks definitely like it could easily be one of the best of the series. I hate it when a game has trouble living up to previous versions, but this one feels like it's trying to put everything together that people love and make it as big as it deserves to be, here's hoping.
I was already excited before anything about the game was shown at all, but now I'm just absolutely thrilled. They managed to freshen the original formula by adding new elements (loving those RPG/Survival elements, especially equippable armours and weapons), but you can still crearly see the typical Zelda trademark (overall atmosphere, soundtracks, artistic style): the attention to details is insane as always (they showed how Link's skin gets reddish if you stand in cold areas without proper clothing, for instance). On top of this, we're also getting absolute freedom and a huge world to explore. I couldn't be any happier about this.
@PenguinManiac agreed! All those elements were sorely lacking. Of course i love all the Zelda's, but in the end i always wondered, why am looking for every secret chest when there is nothing left to buy/upgrade? These elements make a game way more rewarding.

Awesome avatar btw!
I was already excited before anything about the game was shown at all, but now I'm just absolutely thrilled. They managed to freshen the original formula by adding new elements (loving those RPG/Survival elements, especially equippable armours and weapons), but you can still crearly see the typical Zelda trademark (overall atmosphere, soundtracks, artistic style): the attention to details is insane as always (they showed how Link's skin gets reddish if you stand in cold areas without proper clothing, for instance). On top of this, we're also getting absolute freedom and a huge world to explore. I couldn't be any happier about this.

Exactly, it's like a single player MMO that's totally new and yet still distinctly the same franchise. This is all everybody ever asks of nintendo and most game companies for that matter, but they always drop the ball and feel the need to bloat the crap out of games without keeping the core of what makes them amazing together.
Yeah Zelda was supposed to originally to be more sci fi (the triforce was originally computer chips), but they already had Metroid so they changed it to differentiate. Good thing to.

Also, I think this may describe my first run quite accurately:
^ lol, love it. The thing about games like this with integrated freedom is that it leaves a ton of room for installments and updates, minigames, community challenges, extragame culture, etc. It is a wide open door :)
...This has been bugging me for a while. Is it just me, or does this Link look a lot like Drew Barrymore?
Zelda is starting to look weird, I would still like hearts, ruppees, less hunter and gatherer, less technology, I mean tech is a cool twist but its a bit much.

Yeah this is a feat that I have too. It is always that fine line to toe, where how much of the new stuff do you really want in there, and then how much of the classics is what really drives the game. There is a balance to be attained, I would say, and I just worry that the companies will always try to advance and get the new thing, and I just hope that we do not lose that certain something that makes the games what we have all come to love. Thanks for sharing.

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