3DS Mario Golf


Staff member
Dec 23, 2013
Lafayette, LA
come on now, who's fired up for the new mario golf? i've been waiting for this since the gamecube. i played nearly a hole through that little disc. it introduced me to Wario and Waluigi. Of all the Nintendo direct items, this and Yoshi's new island look fantastic.

it really hurt my feelings there wasn't a golf on the wii.

it looks very similar to 3ds tennis so that's a great thing.
So is this a 3DS game then? Or is it something you buy on the eshop? I am not really a tennis person, I might have to wait for reviews first.
its full blown 3ds title. did you see the yoshi's new island and kirby 3ds previews? they look fantastic!

i meant similar to the mario tennis game as in you earn different clothes/clubs to change your game up. power or control? you mix and match. i loved it about the tennis title and should really work well for the golf. the mario golf gameboy color game had leveling up and was a blast.
I am definitely stoked about getting this game. When I saw the Ad through my phone I got so excited and had to click on the link to read a little more about it to see what other details I could read about it, from what I can tell its going to be pretty interesting and fun. Really looking forward to getting this!
i don't even play golf or tennis (in real life) but i love Mario golf and tennis. This game will move to the top of my list immediately.
I never got into the Mario Golf series, but Mario Tennis for Game Boy Color was fascinating, because it was actually an RPG, with leveling up, tons of dialog, and bosses. I later found out that sports-themed RPG were pretty common in Japan, so it wasn't actually that unusual, but still, a great game.
i saw its available on the eshop, if i wasn't so backlogged i would have got it by now. i always heard great things about it. i have recently gone through the gbc golf and was addicted until i finished it, so i could imagine how fun it is.

needless to say, I'm pumped about the announcement they will release more gameboy titles for eshop
May 2nd release date. i saw a huge writeup on Nintendo life. i can't wait, guess i better get on the ball to free up some tee times
I didn't even know there was going to be a new Mario Golf game. Thanks for telling me guys, I'll have to go and look about it now. Hopefully it'll be as good as Toadstool tour was.
dude i can't wait! check out the trailer, they have kart-like power ups for your shots. May 2 i will be teeing off. i've been waiting since Toadstool myself
Yikes, not even that far away then. I dunno if I can get a 3DS in time, but we'll see.
I really wish they would make a 3ds version of the snes kriby golf game. I picked this up and have been heavily addicted to it, playing it as much as Fire Emblem now.
The only Mario golf game I've played is the one on the GameCube, but this game looks pretty awesome and I might just have to pick this up. I'm still unsure as to whether or not I actually will, but I'll see.
dustinb12 said:
its full blown 3ds title. did you see the yoshi's new island and kirby 3ds previews? they look fantastic!

i meant similar to the mario tennis game as in you earn different clothes/clubs to change your game up. power or control? you mix and match. i loved it about the tennis title and should really work well for the golf. the mario golf gameboy color game had leveling up and was a blast.
So who got it? It took what the tennis game got right and blasted all that into outta space! There is always something to do, whether you want to improve your mii, or unlock star characters, play online tourneys, on and on. I cannot get enough and my battery can't keep up with me. The clothing and gear took the place of leveling up, but no complaints here

10/10 from mii!
Wait so what is this game called? Mario Golf and it's on the 3DS. I realized in my last post that I said Mario tennis instead of Mario Golf. Oops. I also read the posts and someone said that there is a Mario Tennis game too?

I am confused.

Can you play as Daisy in this game? If you can, this game might be worth while for me.
yes indeed, Mario Golf for the 3ds. Daisy is available from the start, and early on you can achieve her star status and then she really shines. i used her in many challenges. You should look it up, this game has consumed me completely. no more animal crossing, dragon quest, even tv. i don't even check my email anymore.

there are online tournaments for coins and goodies to help your game out (giving it a slight rpg element)

the Mario tennis 3ds was fun also. As i said previously, Daisy is an animal on the tennis court

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