Wii Mario Kart Wheel Controller


Active Member
Jul 13, 2013
Do you guys think it is necessary to buy this accessory for better gameplay? I want to start playing Mario Kart again but I think the wheel might enhance my experience with the gameplay. Though something just tells me it is going to be a waste of money.
Personally I think its rubbish.
I absolutely hate accelerometer type controls on games. They are just so unresponsive and innacurate that it frustrates me.
I prefer the Nunchuck and Wiimote setup myself.
I like the classic controller setup, the wii wheel is aweful, just terrible. It is truly the worst.
The Wii Wheel is a light-hearted way to control Mario Kart, but you can accomplish the same thing by holding the remote sideways. If you're going for precision, then as Banjo said, go with Classic Controller, Wiimote plus Nunchuck, or (my favorite) the GameCube Wavebird.
I actually like the wheel, it feels a lot more comfortable in your hands although pressing buttons can be a bit troublesome on it. I can definitely see why some people don't want to use it and I agree that that the accelerometer is terribly unresponsive , but if I had to choose to play with or without the wheel, I'd go with the wheel.
I hated the Wii Wheel, it was so unnatural for me to suspend the controller or wheel so imprecisely. I went with the controller setup with no regrets.
I really don't mind either way, sometimes I do use the wheel just because it really doesn't make me drive any better or worse. I do prefer to just play without it though since I have gotten so used to playing with just the controller that I don't really need the wheel. Its just a matter of which one you think is better or if you think it makes a difference.
I knew people who would only play WITH the wheel. I, personally, was not one of them. I prefer the classic controller when I play Mario Kart over using the remote and nunchuk. I feel like I have better control. Also, my olden times hands are more in tune with that style of controller.
Personally I think its rubbish.
I absolutely hate accelerometer type controls on games. They are just so unresponsive and innacurate that it frustrates me.
I prefer the Nunchuck and Wiimote setup myself.
My thoughts exactly. Friend of mine bought it and even he got tired of it after a couple of days. It's just an over-priced accessory that you don't really need to enjoy Mario Kart. The Nunchuck and Wiimote setup works just fine and I think the game feels more fun controlled this way. It's best to save your pennies and skip this add on.
It's just weird to be holding up a wheel in the air without it being attached to anything. It doesn't really simulate a real kart or anything, so there's no benefits, really. I personally just use the Wiimote and nunchuck as most people here mentioned.
Well I have never really been one to go all out and get the accessories, but that said, when it comes to racing games I do find it a lot more fun to have the wheel. I did not go out and buy one though, but luckily I know someone who had one so I was able to use that quite a bit. I just wish they had more uses for the costs, but oh well. Thanks for sharing.

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