Hey everyone! Just wanted to know, which is your most favorite Pokemon game? Although I'm a big fan of Diamond and Pearl I would say that my favorite has to be Pokemon Emerald! Each generation of Pokemon games have always been intuitive and addictive, but there's just something about the feel of Emerald which just "clicks" with me. Not to mention, that Rayquayza is one of the coolest looking legendary Pokemon out there! In terms of music, I would have to say that the winner is between Diamond and Pearl because they had some really catchy songs. Also in terms of storyline, I think winner is once again going to be Diamond/Pearl (or maybe I'm just biased because it was the first Pokemon series that really got me hooked on). I have so many great memories playing Diamond, and remember the the thrill of catching the trio Azelf, Uxie and Mespirit! Anyways, I'd love to get your opinion: Which is your most favorite Pokemon game?