So i believe this is the first time i made a thread here, i am more of a commenting type i guess. But i thought i would make a thread about this. Why in the name of holy meatball cheese pants did they put rpg elements/stas in the game? So i get it for Main Series games as the Main Series games were never really competitive games plus they were rpgs, So rpg elements are kinda obvious. So the community made them competitive, much like melee, but they were never made that way. Meanwhile Pokken is something new from Nintendo. They are focusing on Online and Tournaments, they already decided to put it into the Pokemon world championships with the main series games and the TCG. So i do not get why they would put stats into the game. So i main Blaziken and have the best stats on him in my game. But if i go over to my friends house to play Pokken with him he might main Lucario so Blaziken will be level 1. Or say a group of Pokken players come to Evo. How would they decide what level? I guess you can just keep everyone one level 1 but that would be pretty lame, but if they wanted to go to say 40, they would need to spend ages leveling everyone up to 20. Nintendo SHOULD give Evo and stuff copies with everyone level 50 or something. But they probably won't. But even if Nintendo did give level 50s to Evo people get to customize the stats to how they like them. You can have 50 attack and nothing else if you want. So the players would need to remember the stats they have at home then enter them to the new Wii u's? No of course not! I swear this one feature is making my fun rating go down at least 5%. No game is perfect but this feature is just completely STUPID.
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