New 3DS + Wii U + Steambox/Link + Xbox One S + Playstation TV/Now-capable TV gaming setup?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2016
Wii U
I am and will probably always be primarily a Nintendo gamer, and so will invest primarily in Nintendo consoles and games. However, there are some games on other consoles that I'm interested in, but not enough to start heavily investing in them. I do have a massive Steam library though, and while I'm currently using a laptop with an 840m I intend to get a proper desktop - and will probably make it a gaming PC.

So here's my ideal setup:
Currently I have:
1. New 3DS XL - for all the portable titles
2. Wii U - For all Wii and Wii U games, most NES, SNES, N64, and DS VC titles and gamecube games through Wiibrew
Additionally I would get
3. Steam Link - to connect to a gaming PC. A steambox or HTPC is a consideration, but kind of a kludge solution that overlaps with the Xbox One S
4. Xbox One S - For Xbox One and Xbox 360 games through the BC service, and to handle all multimedia tasks. When it gets Windows 10 apps it will be even more useful. Also Rare Replay for Banjo-Kazooie and Conker.
5. Playstation Vita TV or Playstation Now capable TV - The Vita TV is partially discontinued but still available on Amazon, and I'd rather not get a Sony or Samsung Smart TV as they are usually sluggish and overcomplicated (and the Sony ones will get advertisements)

Overall it would cost me about $500-$600 for the equipment (excluding the Gaming PC as that will be accounted for separately). But this setup would allow me to run 99% of all the games I would want to play. And I'm using 3camel price alerts so I should be able to shave off another $100 when I'm actually ready to complete this setup.

...Oh. The Xbox One S will be $400 in Canada. I'll pick up the original once it drops below $250 then.
All I can say is never play fighting games seriously on PSnow.
I need high speed internet with low latency. Though I do prefer puzzle games like Ratchet or Journey
I was also going to say the most important piece of tech you missed out was your internet connection and modem details.

For online gaming not only do you need a decent setup like you describe, a super fast, uncapped, and stable data plan is also essential aswell. I'm sure you know that already of course but you'd be surprised how a
It really depends on what I end up getting. I will most likely go for Teksavvy for internet in which case I only have a couple choices for modems, and routers are relatively interchangeable and new ones are always coming out so I'll wait to make a decision on that. with shitty internet

That being said, I might drop the Xbox One. It's going to be a much more expensive purchase, for something that there's only a handful of games and I already have the Wii U and a bluray player for media. In fact, the bluray player I have kicking around is PSNow capable so I might just keep it. Right now I'm still living on an acreage with shitty internet so I can't use PSNow.
If somebody said even ten years ago that we would be relying on the internet as much as we do now, we'd have thought they'd have gone mad, but that's exactly the way it is.

No longer are we picking and choosing the best devices, we're deciding on what to buy depending on what's most compatible with the internet we've got. Back when we was all playing the NES and SNES, who'd have thought that we would be depending on the internet for fun, when back then, multiplayer meant inviting your friends round to your house!
Even ten years ago you would use the internet a lot differently if you lived in a rural area or somewhere else with little to no internet. That aspect hasn't changed, just that more consoles support downloading games and video streaming is more prevalent now.
You'd have thought that the ISP's would work a lot more closely with the manufacturers of the devices that use the internet technology than what they do aswell.

At the moment it seems as if the makers of the consoles, PC's and other devices rely heavily on the performance of the internet without actually making sure that the performance of the ISP can match it.
You realize that there's a reason why American internet companies are among the most hated companies in the country. My problem is just that I'm over 6km away from the nearest DSL station and so cannot get it.
Being from the UK myself, I wasn't actually aware until just recently how bad the ISP's are in your part of the world are. I was always under the impression that the US would have some of the best technology around, and even if that IS the case they surely need to look at ways in which to be able to get that technology to the people who actually need and want to use it.
We have the tech in abundance but corps don't want to let people use it. Unlike you guys the smaller companies are not allowed to use the bigger companies wires. US has much less competition. Mostly just the big ones. My city only offers 2 options from mega billionaire companies. Google is the newest entry here and have better speeds and prices at least.
There does seem to be some what of a monopoly in the US when it comes to ISP's I've been told, and most people will only have the option of one or two unlike here where we have the choice of quite a few. In the past three of four year's alone I've changed my internet provider about three times in order for me to get a better service or for a cheaper price plan, and I don't think that customers in the US have those sort of choices.

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