Nintendo NX: Will it fail?

I don't think that Nintendo will die. The only way they can have a fatal blow is if the NX fails miserably. But if they don't repeat the same mistakes that they did with the Wii U, I believe it will keep them running. And the 3ds wasn't a fail, and I think that is mostly what is keeping them by right now. But I don't even want to think about Nintendo dying. I wouldn't know what games to play anymore! Nintendo games make up most of my games!
@Jack Lovejoy, my young storyteller, you have nothing to worry about. THEY have been forecasting the death of Nintendo since the Gamecube. I suggest every time you read a negative Yahoo article, comment like i do: "Oh Nintendo is on the rocks? Sorry i didn't notice because i was having so much fun, playing my wii u."
If the NX turns out to be a hybrid then, when you look at the recent sales figures of the 3DS, suggesting saturation in their home market (a market whose central bank just dipped to negative interest rates, which should tell you where its economy, and discretionary spending potential, is) and abroad, and that their home consoles have virtually no functional support third-party, which does matter if they ever hope to grow their user base, then I do not hold much hope that the NX will reverse the trend of the last generation. Nintendo's only value right now is the IP. They know it, and they leveraged it successfully for nearly 16 years (circa the launch of the Wii U) after the third-party revolt following the SNES. They learned last generation that hardware success is based on real value, not on brand loyalty. The PS4 is the success story of this generation by a wide margin. Why? Because it has the highest innate value. It has strong third-party support, excellent first-party titles (Bloodborne and the upcoming Dark Souls III, Uncharted 4) and it's gained the openness reputation this gen, with broad indie adoption and no DRM or region locking, meaning import sales are strong for westerners that favour J-titles.

Nintendo is at its best when it's no-frills-no-gimmicks gaming. They need to marry input simplicity and platform uniformity (by adopting x86, removing the largest roadblock to 3rd party support beyond sheer power) with region-free games and their own valuable IP. Then they'll have a successful console.
No clue. We'll have to wait and see. Not enough is known about the thing right now to make a judgment call either way. I like to think Nintendo's learned its lessons from the last few consoles, but the company is a bit slow on the uptake when keeping pace with other gaming systems.

I actually predict the NX of being a huge success. I believe Nintendo is really working hard behind the scenes to make this system very special.
In fairness, you probably could have said the same thing of the Wii U, and it didn't do very well at all. Still love that system, but... yeah.
It's a tough call... in my heart, I want it to succeed, but only time will tell if people are still interested in Nintendo (and their unique way of thinking). I never thought Sega would go bust, and although they still make games, they bowed out of the console market a while ago and never came back. I guess I got the last laugh as a Nintendo fanboy back in my younger days when the Nintendo vs. Sega argument was a thing, lol.

That being said, I mean Mario, Zelda, Metroid... those are solid franchise and get sales purely based on the name, so it should be enough to get people to buy their new console.
I worry that Nintendo's reliance on the staple brands is what got them in trouble with the Wii U, though. They had little to no third party support because their system was technologically behind the times and couldn't support games that were going to the PS4 or Xbox One, so even though the Marios and the Zeldas and the Metroids were fun, there weren't enough of them to make the system work as well as it should have. By all accounts it sounds like the NX will be strong enough to support games from other consoles, so hopefully this won't be an issue again, but... we'll see.
How to beat Playstation and kick xbox out of the console industry)
1) Get good graphics even if it means making it pricey (As long as it is not as bad as PS3 was!)
2) Release Pokemon, Zelda and Mario at lunch. And slowly update with other games like Starfox, Metroid, Fire Emblem and Kirby.
3) Have good commercials not happy family plays NX commercials.
4) Watch the Money rolllll in.

I am not sure if Nintendo are gonna do thata. But i hope so.
@Nomekop Agreed!
They just have to stay technologically competitive and not make it extremely hard for third party titles to arrive to the console. Like I've been saying... Imagine having your Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and Zelda in the same console. Who wouldn't buy that?
Seriously, what games today make the Xbox One or PS4 extremely attractive? I dare say none, rather it's the promise of games like Uncharted 4 (in the PS4's case) for example, not a game that's been released in the years since the new/current generation hit. By comparison, my Wii U in all its graphic inferiority is much more attractive. So a new console with Nintendo's games and that can realistically compare with Sony and Microsoft? Huge advantage over the competition... and actual competition, rather than being the lesser side-console.
How to beat Playstation and kick xbox out of the console industry)
1) Get good graphics even if it means making it pricey (As long as it is not as bad as PS3 was!)
2) Release Pokemon, Zelda and Mario at lunch. And slowly update with other games like Starfox, Metroid, Fire Emblem and Kirby.
3) Have good commercials not happy family plays NX commercials.
4) Watch the Money rolllll in.

I am not sure if Nintendo are gonna do thata. But i hope so.

They're not going to kick Xbox out of the console industry just because they beat them in sales. Quite frankly I don't see why anyone would want that to happen. Competition is good, when companies get cocky they release $600 consoles and make them purposely hard to develop for so that companies won't want to make games for other consoles.
I agree with @GunGunW, Nintendo isn't going to kick Xbox or PlayStation out of the console industry, it's just not going to happen as way too many people own those consoles already, and they're both well established brands. At least, they won't destroy them with the NX since the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are already well established while the NX is still just a name on paper.

But what if the NX fails badly? Should Nintendo consider going the Sega route and simply release their games for other consoles instead of making their own?

We want Nintendo games and third-party support... what if instead you could play Zelda or Mario on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4?
On one hand I would like Nintendo to stay as their own console, I like that about them, plus having another console is always cool and my Wii U sits comfortable next to my Xbox One, like they're best buddies.

On the other hand, if they did go third party, that would be one less console to collect and instead of getting a Nintendo console I could get a PlayStation and have the best of three worlds.
I agree with @GunGunW, Nintendo isn't going to kick Xbox or PlayStation out of the console industry, it's just not going to happen as way too many people own those consoles already, and they're both well established brands. At least, they won't destroy them with the NX since the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are already well established while the NX is still just a name on paper.

But what if the NX fails badly? Should Nintendo consider going the Sega route and simply release their games for other consoles instead of making their own?

We want Nintendo games and third-party support... what if instead you could play Zelda or Mario on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4?
I'd be more afraid that Nintendo would become insular, and only release games in Japan. There are already a lot of titles that never make it overseas. It would take one heck of a failure for Nintendo to go that route, however, so here's hoping the Nintendo NX does at least moderately well.
It's tricky... they could release a great console, and have it have poor sales. They could release a terrible console, and have it sell great.

But do this. Count the number of Nintendo systems that have failed, and count the number that did great. Then get back to me.

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