Nintendo, The only hardcore gaming console

Aug 27, 2013
Nintendo 2DS
By the end of the Wii U's lifecycle, people will be calling Nintendo the only "hardcore" gaming company.

Microsoft is focusing on the "home theatre" experience, I don't want a cable box thanks.

Sony has no idea where the hell it's going... does anyone at that company own a compass?

360 and Ps3 imo will be the last gaming platforms we know as "gaming consoles" from those two companies.

Nintendo will always make pure gaming consoles. No dvd's, blu-rays or laserdiscs from good ol' Ninty.

Once this is realized, there's going to be a lot of butthurt.


Got this from Gamefaqs.
Also Sony hasn't been making a profit in it's gaming section for years now. If it wasn't for the fact that they are so big and have so many side business's they would have collapsed years ago. The Xbox is going straight into this *Games that are sorta interactive but not really* thing and it's really dumb. It's sad. Nintendo is the only company actually doing new things and it's with older hardware! These big names are getting pathetic.
It is quite remarkable that Nintendo decided to focus only on videogames. Despite they could try to compete with Sony and Microsoft, people at Nintendo are loyal to their niche and are still innovating. Hopefully they will never change.
Sony has always been second to Microsoft since the xbox 360 generation. The ps2 ruled over the original xbox. Nintendo has always produced really good video games while sony has been iffy at best. Plus the PSP has nothing against any of the Nintendo handhelds.
Not really. There are hardcore games available on all three consoles. It's just that the Wii U has a better library of games so far but that's because the console was launched earlier. When this console generation ends, expect the Sony PS4 to have the absolute best library of games. This is one area where Sony always excels, they always support their consoles way beyond their sell-by date. I just hope that Nintendo keep supporting the Wii U right to the end and don't give up on it too soon.
I think the original post was made too early in the life spans of PS4/Xbox One to really make an informed opinion. But as it stands right now, yes the Wii U has the best exclusive line up, however the other two are getting all the third party support with great games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Star Wars: Battlefront, The Witcher 3, etc. etc. the list goes on. I do make it a point to get any game that comes out on all three systems to get the Wii U version (except for Watch Dogs, but I got that before the Wii U version even came out).

Not really. There are hardcore games available on all three consoles. It's just that the Wii U has a better library of games so far but that's because the console was launched earlier. When this console generation ends, expect the Sony PS4 to have the absolute best library of games. This is one area where Sony always excels, they always support their consoles way beyond their sell-by date. I just hope that Nintendo keep supporting the Wii U right to the end and don't give up on it too soon.

I don't know if it's really Sony who supports their systems after their sell-by date so much as the third parties who want to keep making games on them because they sold so well. It comes to a point not too far after the newest system launches that they jump ship onto their newer console and just let anyone who wants to do anything with the old one still do their thing. Heck, even the Vita is a "legacy" system in the eyes of Sony of America, and it's only four years old! (Yes, I'm aware they'll keep supporting it in Japan).

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