Nintendo's new Network IDs to replace Friend Codes


Staff member
Sep 19, 2012
Nintendo has announced a new online identity system to be launched with the Wii U, called Nintendo Network ID. The new user accounts (presumably represented graphically by Miis) will not only be used for online gaming but also for video chat and for purchasing items from the Nintendo eShop.

In other words, Nintendo gamers are finally getting their own Xbox Live gamertags, more or less.

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Interesting. So will this replace those annoying as heck friend codes? It does? Well that is A-OK with...well everyone I bet! I don't know why they made this process more difficult than other consoles. If I had to guess it is because a lot of Nintendo gamers are young kids.
It's about damn time.

This was one of the things that bothered me about Nintendo. Kudos to them for trying something different. But the Kudos is negated when you have a friend system that was blatantly inferior.

Now all we need is some sites to start making NES forum cards.
I'm with cross, a gamer tag is like a home address online. I'm glad Nintendo finaly gave in and got it done!

I hope that game developers adopt them too and allow players to visit their websites to see their rankings for any given game. I know that when I play Halo I'm always checking in on the website to see how I rank, what my KD ratio is etc.

Good move Nintendo!
Well this is good. I always thought different friend codes for different games/consoles were just annoying and dumb. I'm glad to see there's a universal gamertag now like the other competittors.
This is some really good news, it was just ridicules having to trade those long and annoying codes for _EVERY_ single game. Now lets hope that the next Super smash brothers has better online support. Not even being able to pick 1v1 and rules was just very sad.
Yeah. I really would like to see Nintendo get up to par with Sony and Microsoft. If they can pull that off and step away from Mario for a little bit, I think the Wii-U could be quite a successful console.....
crossunitedfate said:
This was one of the things that bothered me about Nintendo. Kudos to them for trying something different. But the Kudos is negated when you have a friend system that was blatantly inferior.
Yeah, I've gotta give them credit for trying, but at the same time, if it's not working, it's clearly time to step away to something that works better and that people are used to.

Smokey said:
Yeah. I really would like to see Nintendo get up to par with Sony and Microsoft. If they can pull that off and step away from Mario for a little bit, I think the Wii-U could be quite a successful console.....
Part of the reason they struggle to do that is that they insist on staying family-friendly. I'll support them on that, too. The problem is, in order to reach an adult audience, they end up sticking with that Mario games because they're familiar and nostalgic, so teens/adults will still sometimes buy them. They can't reach any of the market that likes graphic violence and whatnot, so they stick with what they know.
Jessi said:
Yeah, I've gotta give them credit for trying, but at the same time, if it's not working, it's clearly time to step away to something that works better and that people are used to.

Part of the reason they struggle to do that is that they insist on staying family-friendly. I'll support them on that, too. The problem is, in order to reach an adult audience, they end up sticking with that Mario games because they're familiar and nostalgic, so teens/adults will still sometimes buy them. They can't reach any of the market that likes graphic violence and whatnot, so they stick with what they know.
Right, and that's what's killing them. :p They're afraid to go out of the 'norm' and try new things. They're afraid to take risks and sometimes that's what needs to be done. Look at Naughty Dog, they took a risk with a game like Uncharted, and it tuned into a popular franchise, now we're getting an upcoming masterpiece like The Last of Us.
Those friend codes were a pain in the heinder to register. Now each sytem can have multiple files where it is easy to connect with your friends. Probably the reason this was so big is because the Wii-U was focusing a lot with online it should be much more accessable now! Only issue with this is that games dowloaded from the eshop are saved to the actual console, not the account.
Mr. Blue said:
Those friend codes were a pain in the heinder to register. Now each sytem can have multiple files where it is easy to connect with your friends. Probably the reason this was so big is because the Wii-U was focusing a lot with online it should be much more accessable now! Only issue with this is that games dowloaded from the eshop are saved to the actual console, not the account.
Same problem with Wii right? Quite silly, I really hope Nintendo changes that. I don't want to lose all my games just because my consoles hardware gave up.
That is awesome news! It's about time Nintendo caught up with other consoles but hey, better late than never ay? I still think Nintendo are the best developers and have the potential to develop a console with the popularity and amount of games that the snes had with the power of next gen tech.
I hate the sound of that. Ive always enjoyed the simplicity of 12 little numbers, joined by 2 lines. Easy for me to remember. Im sure there are lots of people exited about this news though.
Should be interesting. I hated friend codes too... well not the codes necessarily but how cumbersome it was to play with other people.
These news are really old lol but I agree that having a unique user instead of a unique number depending on the console you use is much better.
The thing about that is that then you can't guarantee you will have the ID you want. I got mine (who else would pick a name like "Heigw") but so many people probably didn't get the name they wanted because someone else already picked it. With numbers, no one is picky.
Well, if you consider that perspective then having number is much better :)

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