Oldest and most expensive console you've ever seen


Active Member
Jul 30, 2016
Game Boy Advance
There was this one time I went into a mall and saw this small new shop that was targeted at older games, and consoles. They had a N64 for $249 dollars, that was the most expensive console that was from the 90's.

It was in the case and everything, but not brand new. At that time I had bought a 500gb slim PS3 and GTA5 on the midnight release for GTA5 back in 2013 for $299 dollars. That was a good deal, but we are talking about a N64 being up there with the price of a new/exclusive and limited 500gb PS3 and GTA5 bundle pack.

What about you?
Oldest I have seen in person is a Fairchild F as is pre dates Atari 2600. Most expensive I have seen in person. Turboduo,over 1000$. I think they have since dropped in value to about 400-500 bucks. Most expensive console ever release or can buy right now is anything related to the Neo Geo AES. Even the games can got for 3000$ or more.
I am a little surprised to see a N64 going for $250, but I guess if there is a market for it then why not. I have been thinking about getting rid of mine, but now I am going to have to really rethink that move. There is probably more to it that just the console itself, though, so I might have to do a little research. Interesting stuff, though, and thanks for sharing.
One day I went to a console fair in my town with a couple of friends because we really felt attracted to it in some way, we had a lot of fun there and all that, but there was a guy that had a brand new NES on top of his table, he was showing it to the public, we asked him for the price, apparently he did not want to sell it, but he came up with a crazy price of $1000 I definitely kept moving, that guy was absolutely crazy, in my opinion.