3DS Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire


Active Member
May 7, 2014
Finally! Gen 3 remakes! I'm really excited for these games, but I'm still conflicted on which version of the game I want to get. I will wait until we get more information on the games before deciding, but I'm leaning towards Ruby since that's what I had originally. What are your thoughts? Which version are you leaning towards?
I'm pretty freaking hyped, I'll probably get ruby too. Honestly, at this point I really didn't think they would remake Ruby but awesome anyways!
Is it just me, or does Alpha Sapphire sound...wrong? Omega Ruby is great. Soulsilver and Heartgold were great. Leafgreen and Firered were great.

And then there's Alpha Sapphire...it just doesn't really fit. Saying that, I'll probably pick Alpha up along with a 3ds, and get a 3ds for my friend who has been in love with Ruby forever, but gave her copy to some little kids she knew when she was younger because they didn't have it.
Alpha Sapphire just sounds downright weird because "Omega" sounds more extreme because it has the word mega in it. I love how secret bases are coming back, I even saw mention of using them as trainer gyms!
Alpha Sapphire just sounds downright weird because "Omega" sounds more extreme because it has the word mega in it. I love how secret bases are coming back, I even saw mention of using them as trainer gyms!
I dunno how they'd be used as trainer gyms...unless you can set yourself up as a trainer or something?
I saw something like that in a preview and it was mentioned on Smogon. I didn't come to the same assumption when I first saw it, just echoing what other sources have said.
I am very excited for the remakes of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I recently watched a trailer for the third generation remakes, and they look amazing so far. Also, I'm leaning towards Alpha Sapphire, because it was the version I had when I was younger, and I prefer the version exclusives of Pokemon Sapphire.
I am really excited for mega sabeleye and metagross, I really hope sableeye gets more time in the lime light, he's such an awesome little guy.
I've tried to avoid all news for these remakes, even though they always pop up on my Facebook news feed and in discussions with my friends. I'll admit, Pokemon Ruby was my first Pokemon game, I'm no first/second gen elitist. What gave the magic to it all is that I was experiencing everything for the first time; I had no idea what was going on and I learned as time went on. I loved every second of it! Even the plot captivated my 8-year-old mind. Though these are remakes, I still want to experience the new features for myself. I'll be getting Alpha Sapphire because I like the color blue and sapphire is my birthstone.
I have nostalgia for Ruby, so I'm definitely getting it. It will also let younger people experience older Pokemon games with better graphics. I really hope they keep all the same Pokemon, and add new features to make it as much a remake as a brave new experience.
I am getting both just because I can, but yeah I couldn't believe they were remaking them.

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