3DS Playing through the dizziness


Nov 18, 2013
Nintendo 64
Does anyone ever get dizzy while playing on the 3DS, but then continues anyways because you just have to finish this one thing?

It is not like I get dizzy because I was playing for 3 days straight. It's pretty random and usually passes.
Does that happen with the 3D effects on? I've never really been affected by it, but even then I don't often use it. The 3D is pretty cool, but I often play while in bed (or lying down otherwise) and it's hard to keep the 3DS in a position that enables me to see the 3D in the first place.

If it happens without the 3D on though, or it happens playing on other consoles, it might be worth taking a trip to your doctor.
I always play every 3DS game with the Full 3D on. Never once had I ever had an issue with it. And used to play my 3DS a ton. I still play it a lot, however, ever since the Wii U game out, that's gotten me back into console gaming. So I've put a lot of time into that. But before that, I put tons of time into my 3DS. And again, I always play with the 3D on full. No problem at all. Sorry that you are having such issues, like dizziness, and perhaps anything else. But I've never had any issues or problems come from constantly playing in full 3D.

Of course, some games "3D" is more apparent than others. Some games tack it on as an after thought, so the 3D effect isn't that great. Other games build the game around the 3D effect, and so those games look fantastic with full 3D. So it depends on the game.

Then, it also depends on the kinds of 3D as well. I find that I like the 3D where it pulls back away from you, to give you depth, far more than I like the 3D that pops out at you. Super Mario 3D Land actually gave you the option of both. It allowed you to choose whether to 'pop' the 3D at you, or 'pull' the 3D away from you. I like the pulling back way better, as it gives more depth, and looks nicer. I think. The popping out at you can be nice, but other times, it doesn't look as good as if they would have just pulled it away. So, maybe that's your issue. Is your game popping the 3D at you, or pulling it back from you. Also, a friend of mine, who wears glasses, has issues with the 3D, but it's all 3D, even movies, and not just the 3DS. It's just his eyes. However, he found that if he's starting to have an issue with the 3DS, all he needs to do is just blink a lot, really fast, and he'll get re-adjusted to the game and then everything will be fine again. So you can try that trick.

Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, other than sorry that you are having those issues. Hopefully it passes. If not, an eye doctor may be in order. That, or you may just have to enjoy the games without 3D. Either way, good luck.
Does that happen with the 3D effects on? I've never really been affected by it, but even then I don't often use it. The 3D is pretty cool, but I often play while in bed (or lying down otherwise) and it's hard to keep the 3DS in a position that enables me to see the 3D in the first place.

If it happens without the 3D on though, or it happens playing on other consoles, it might be worth taking a trip to your doctor.

Yes, I am talking about with the 3D effects on. Really, I normally don't experience such a thing at all. Most of the time I am fine. But really, no one else EVER gets a little dizy?

Other than that, I don't know what to tell you, other than sorry that you are having those issues. Hopefully it passes. If not, an eye doctor may be in order. That, or you may just have to enjoy the games without 3D. Either way, good luck.

Hah, yeah. Thanks.

Though I did not mean as though it were any sort of problem. I guess some people just never experience any sort of nauseua, no matter what situation they are in.
Mr.Styx said:
Yes, I am talking about with the 3D effects on. Really, I normally don't experience such a thing at all. Most of the time I am fine. But really, no one else EVER gets a little dizy?
Nope, it never affects me. I sometimes get a slight headache if I play for a few hours with the 3D on, but I don't have the same endurance that I used to, and often find myself having to take breaks during games regardless.

It's not uncommon, I can tell you that much. I that remember around the time of the 3DS launch, lots of people were complaining about headaches from the 3D function. I'm not sure of the science behind it, but I think it's something to do with the eyes being disoriented by the two parallax screens (if you didn't know, the 3D works by having two screens at a slight angle to each other, i.e., parallax).

If it's a serious concern, consider visiting a doctor, but the best thing for it is probably to just avoid using the 3D unnecessarily. I don't see it as a major aspect of the 3DS myself - it's more of a nice little feature that I use once in a while.
I get serious motion sickness and eye strain headaches if I keep the 3D on. It was kind of cool in Pokemon for battles, and in Animal crossing, made the entire world pop quite a bit more. I was struck dumb by how cool it was that I could make it flat and then not flat and then flat again in Harvest Moon and it looked neat... but after about a week I realised it was making me nauseous. I have it turned off in the parental controls. :/ I launch all my games in 2d now. I don't think I have anything that requires the 3d? It was kind of cool but I have really sensitive eyes and a predisposition towards headaches. :( (I'm actually using f.lux right now to turn my screen tint towards orange. When I started using it I went from daily or multiple-day migraines to occasionally getting a headache when I'm sleepy and forcing myself to keep working on homework onscreen.)

I'm actually really glad they released the 2DS for the younger crowd, because their eyes are still developing and using the 3D can really screw that up for them. If you have sensitive eyes or are getting dizzy then you probably need to be playing with the 3d off. The best way to do that without randomly 3Ding the screen is to turn it off under the parental settings. I tried to keep the slider at 2D for a while but I'm so clumsy I always hit the darn thing when I least expect it, scrambling my focus and hurting my eyes ><
I don't play with the 3D effect on my Nintendo 3DS. It was nifty feature when it was first introduced and I'm sure helped to generate quite a lot of sales of the unit. However, it's not comfortable to play games in 3D over a long period of time. Around 20-30 minutes is the most that I can handle and it doesn't really make the games looks better. For the past 2 years, I've pretty much kept the slider down and just enjoying the games in all their flat glory.
(This is a really old thread lol but) reading this was actually really interesting for me, as I've been experiencing some dizziness and I was actually concerned this could be caused by too much "screen time" (NDS, laptop, TV, smartphone, etc) but so far, I haven't experienced the dizziness itself while playing DS (I'm convinced is from the abuse earphone use I do). I believe that long exposure may harm you though. I hope now you aren't experiencing it anymore (it's been almost three years!) and you're doing well.
I know I'm quoting a 5 month old post, but still... xD

Yes, I am talking about with the 3D effects on. Really, I normally don't experience such a thing at all. Most of the time I am fine. But really, no one else EVER gets a little dizy?
Nah, there are a lot of people that can get dizzy! My friends get dizzy after just playing a short while with my 3DS (yes, with 3D effects on).
I, on the other hand, have a much higher tolerance than average people when playing video games, I can play the whole day without getting dizzy or getting my eyes sore, whether it be playing PC games or console games. Well, that is so only if the game is not dropping frames. If the game is dropping frames, I will absolutely get dizzy, especially when the game is fast paced. Like playing racing games, for example, at 20-30 fps. That will get me dizzy in no time. Same thing goes with the 3DS, I'll get dizzy on some games, because they "lag" when I turn the 3D effects on (like Pokemon).
I do but I try to stand up and walk around. If you are in one place for too long, at least for me, I start to feel the onset of those effects anyways. A lot of it has to do with straining your eyes, blood flow to your body. If you feel something like that happen just put it down, drink some water and walk around until it passes. Or maybe take a few hour break in between.
Anytime that I am looking at something for a long time I start to get a little dizzy or lightheaded, but I do think that it is worse with the 3DS. The 3D feature together with the smaller screen, and also the distance at which you hold it, all seem to come together to make it uncomfortable to play. I do take more breaks with the 3DS, which is unfortunate, but what else can you do. Thanks for sharing.

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