PS4k chat


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
I had a public chat with NintendoReport / Eddy Ray and normally I wouldn't do this, but I am posting it here because it touches on games and speculation on the PS4k. Hope he doesn't mind :p.

{Thinking about getting a PS4k. Should I?}

Eddy Ray
(Snip) what kinda content is there for you to consume in 4k.. that you will want?


Eddy Ray
i dont think games are gonna be 4k though. that would be an expensive machine

Eddy Ray
4k will be media

Actually, the ps4k will play 4k games. Even if by upscaling

Mark my words, if it's real

Eddy Ray
i guess time will tell, i dont see what kind of benefit that would be though.. upscaling to 4k is a lot different then going from 720 to say 1080

Eddy Ray
thats 4 times as many pixels

Here's the thing. They could overclock the CPU on the ps4, and get a huge performance improvement, while costing 10 more bucks for cherry picked chips. Then we haven't even gotten into the GPU

Eddy Ray
still doesnt match up to say a pc costing say a grand and still not being good enough for 4k gaming

Eddy Ray
maybe indie games but then its kinda silly like making shovel knight 1080p

Here's what will happen though. Games will be like 3k and scale to 4, unless we are talking rocket league. And the ps4k will be a 500 buck machine with upgraded GPU. We will see though. The news reports agree with me but when have they ever been right?

rocket league could be 4k

Eddy Ray
i guess we will see soon. i really think the upgraded components is suppose to compliment the PSVR and helping devs push the graphics there

Eddy Ray
most pc video cards are like 600 bucks or more if you really want to do good 4k gaming

You actually make some pretty good points as well. Lol

Eddy Ray
but who knows... if it really is for 4kgaming, then it may be a bit of a turn off for people knowing they need to get a 4k tv as well... so now a new console and a new tv (as most dont have 4k displays yet) .. if the ps4k is seen as an upgrade for current games giving more consistent performance, for say all games 1080p 60fps, also to benefit psvr and add 4k media output for consumption, that might be a better seller for the masses

Eh, the number of Playstation exclusive games I want to play I can count on one hand. I might as well rent them from the library and play at my stepbrother's place.

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