NES Punch-Out!!

Thomas Ennis

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2013
Super NES
I downloaded this game on the WII a while back, and am just now getting around to playing it. Wow does it bring back memories. The downloaded version is the original, with Mister Dream as the boss, but the copy I had when I owned the Nintendo was Mike Tyson's.

I am shocked at how much I suck at this game now. I can barely make it past the Russian guy (can't remember his name). When I was younger, I could destroy Mike Tyson without getting hit. I hope this doesn't mean I'm getting old!
Mike Tyson was the original version. Nintendo slapped together "Mr. Dream" after the Tyson license expired.
I never like this game. It was always too clunky for me. Just my opinion though.
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out is definitely one of the greatest games in Nintendo's library. A truly superb soundtrack and unbelievable graphics for a 1987 NES game. Sent chills down my spine the first time I saw someone playing that game and heard the music, and I couldn't wait to try it myself. The game is freaking epic. :)
Oh I totally agree with you here! I can remember the anticipation every match, watching the intimidating characters walk towards me to fight. One thing I did notice that is odd, when they show the running scenes, make is wearing a pink jump suit :p

Thank you Master Hand, I didn't realize Mike Tyson's was first.
Actually, Punchout was released in the arcade first, as Punchout, with Mr Dream in it. Then when Nintendo was going to put it out for the NES, the founder of the company saw Tyson fight and became so impressed on him he put his name on the game. True story, I actually read about this a while back, you can google it, I'm sure you will find it.
I didn't play the arcade version to the end so I'm not sure who the final boss there is, but there was definitely no Mr. Dream in the "gold" NES version, which came before the Tyson license and was a Japan-only release. The game just ended after Super Macho Man.
Super Macho Man was really hard when I first started playing. He would have been sufficient as a final boss in my opinion. When I started playing the game to death, all the opponents became way too easy.
The visuals are beautiful, animations are a lot of fun to watch, and the stereotypical voice acting can be hilarious. And on top of all that, the controls are near-perfect, every battle feels significantly different, and the bonus exhibition challenges will give diehards a run for their money. My Nintendo Wii has been collecting dust on my shelf every since I invested in an Xbox 360, but Punch Out was the game that brought me back. Highly recommended. :)
There was voice acting on the NES? :blink:
A particularly (in)famous example of voice acting on the NES was at the very start of The Adventures of Bayou Billy:

Considering that this game was released in 1989 on a 8-bit system, I would say that this example is better than I would have expected!
Don't feel too bad if you were never able to KO Mike Tyson playing Punch Out on the NES, because even Mike Tyson couldn't KO Mike Tyson playing Punch Out on the NES! ;)

I STILL love Punch-Out! A friend of mine has it on his Wii as well and I would always want to go a couple of rounds (after Wii Sports of course). I also had Super Punch-Out that came out for Super Nintendo. Countless hours spent playing the Punch-Out series for sure.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out was a great game. I really enjoyed working through the fighters, but I never made it past the Russian guy either. The only thing I would have added (had it been possible) would have been the characters from Rocky. Can you imagine being able to fight as Rocky and take on Apollo Creed or Mr. T? That would have made a great game even better, and the soundtrack would have been amazing!
The only thing I would have added (had it been possible) would have been the characters from Rocky. Can you imagine being able to fight as Rocky and take on Apollo Creed or Mr. T? That would have made a great game even better, and the soundtrack would have been amazing!

There are actually a few Rocky games in which you can fight as Rocky and take on the likes of Apollo Creed or Mr. T!

Way back in 1987, there was a Rocky game for the Sega Master System:


Much more recently in 2002, there was also a Rocky game for the PlayStation 2:


(This PS2 Rocky game is infamous for its rather frightening glitches, as seen in one of my favourite AVGN episodes!)

The Wikipedia pages I linked to above state that there are also other Rocky games in addition to these two.

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