Recent Pick-ups


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2013
Wii U

So today I picked up my copy of

Super Mario 3D World - (Wii U)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - (3DS)
The Legend of Zelda 3DS-XL - (System)

I'm going to have a fun week of gaming, I can promise you that.


That said, I figured we can use this thread as a way to announce what games you just picked up, for any system. Did you get anything new, fun, exciting, or adventurous, for the Wii U, 3DS, 360, PS3, or PS Vita. Or, did you happen to pick up a PS4 and/or XO. If so, what games did you pick up for those.

Feel free to continuously add what games and systems you picked up. Perhaps even stuff you've gotten for Christmas, or any other time throughout the year.


Oh, and one more thing. Last week, I had stopped by Gamestop during the PS4 launch. Only 5 people were their waiting for it. Last night, for the Xbox One launch, I was going to drive by as well, but I didn't, because it was 40 degrees outside, windy, with a chance of rain. So I decided not to go. So I went when they opened up at 8am this morning, since I had things to do today, and it was on my way. I get there early, thinking that I'd see people there. Nope. Only one other person was in the store besides me when they opened. The place was dead. I asked the girl behind the counter if they were busy at midnight, since nobody is here now that they are open. She said no, that nobody showed up at midnight. So they closed at 1am, and she decided to switch with another employee, so she can come and open the store, and then have the rest of the day off, with the next two days being her day off. This way, she can enjoy herself with some games over the weekend. Fair enough, I said. However, I ended up stopping by later, around 10:30am, as I was passing by it again, and I told a friend that I'd check on some games for him. I could of called, but I was on the way, so I stopped by. The girl was still there, and so I brought up the Xbox One launch again. She said it was dead. That nobody's been there all day, and she was bored out of her mind. I found it humorous that nobody here wants an Xbox One, and that the PS4 is barely on anybody's radar. At least at this particular store, which is one of the big, main, popular stores, in town for games.

Just a funny observation last week and today. Anyways, happy gaming out there.
Mind if I ask why you bought a physical copy of A Link Between Worlds given that the 3DS comes with a downloadable version too? I know that some people prefer to have physical copies, but even if I was the same I'd be okay with having one or two games digital (such as free downloads like this).

I haven't picked up any new games for a couple of months - the last thing I bought was Awesomenauts for PC (a platformer styled MOBA) for about £1.50 in a sale. Next week Super Mario 3D World comes out over here, so I'll naturally be getting that though! I also need to go through my backlog of games and try and get back up to speed. So much has come out on the 3DS in the past few months, so I've got a lot of playing to do...
I'll give you my Nintendo M82 Demo Unit for the Zelda 3DS. lol. I just need to sneak into Pat The NES Punks house. lol
jardantuan said:
Mind if I ask why you bought a physical copy of A Link Between Worlds given that the 3DS comes with a downloadable version too? I know that some people prefer to have physical copies, but even if I was the same I'd be okay with having one or two games digital (such as free downloads like this).
Easy. First off, yes, I do prefer physical copies over digital copies. I just do. So I will always get the physical copy if I can.

Also, I actually preordered my the physical copy months before they even announced the Zelda XL bundle. Of course, I had been looking to get an XL from day one, and almost bought one one day one. However, I was holding out for a different color selection. And, I'm glad I did, because The Legend of Zelda franchise is my all time favorite franchise of all time. So I'm glad I waited, and got this XL version instead of the previous versions.

That said, I thought about cancelling my game pre-order, since I was getting the bundle. However, I'm just a big physical copy person. So I thought about it, and in the end, came up with the perfect solution. See, my brother keeps borrowing my 3DS everytime I go down to visit him. When the XL first came out, I told him that I wanted to get it, and so he asked if he could have my regular 3DS. I said sure, since he had always handed me down his old gaming systems our whole lives, and I've never given him one. So, I figured, once I get the XL, I can let him have the regular 3DS. And then, since the Zelda game comes as a downloaded title, and not pre-installed, I can just transfer everything on my 3DS to my XL, which will wipe the 3DS clean. And then, set that up for my brother, and then use the download code for Zelda on the old 3DS, and boom, now we both have the 3DS Zelda game. Only, I'm keeping the physically copy with me and my brother, who loves digital copies, gets to have that one. So, problem solved.

However, if the game came pre-installed, then that would of been an issue. I'm glad it didn't, and I'm sure it's because they knew a lot of people were going to use the 'transfer' feature to upgrade from a regular 3DS. So, that was wise of them to make it a download and not a pre-installed thing. At least, for me, anyways.

Anyways, as stated, since it was a download, and not pre-installed, then, problem solved. I get the XL, with the physical copy of Zelda, while my brother gets the regular 3DS with the digital copy. So, in essence, I just bought my brother Zelda. But, that's ok. It's going to be Christmas soon. So it's fine. I'm ok with it. I mean, I guess I could of said, hey, buy me the physical copy and I'll trade you the digital copy for it. But whatever, it's fine. I got it. No worries.

NintendoCosmos said:
I'll give you my Nintendo M82 Demo Unit for the Zelda 3DS. lol. I just need to sneak into Pat The NES Punks house. lol
Hehe.. nice. And sorry, as stated above, I've already promised, and made plans for the game, to somebody else. Already had that worked out since this new system was announced.
I got Animal Crossing New Leaf and Luigi's Dark Moon. I have a Target gift card that I got from christmas, so I think I am going to use it to buy another game though I haven't decided which one yet.
Excellent stash you picked up there ;) Perhaps the lack of PS4 owners is do to the fact, that everyone already picked it up. It could also be that people now have health insurance to pay for, and can't afford it.
My boyfriend got me the new Tomb Raider game for the 360 and a hello kitty 3DS case. He knows how much I love cats (including hello kitty) so this is perfect plus I can carry around 9 games in it. I love it. I need to stack up my collection! :D

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