Remove Other M from canon


Jan 15, 2014
I want to get to the nitty gritty right here and now: with Samus depicted the way she was in Other M, I want Nintendo to boot that game out of the Metroid canon. The horrendous portrayal of Samus was alone enough to make Other M a putrid abomination that has no right to exist on this planet. And to make matters worse, they booted the Prime trilogy out of the timeline and manipulate their timeline to revolve around Other M. Overall, Other M is a gigantic middle finger to Metroid fans and it has no place in the Metroid canon.
This is funny. Other M was the best thing that happened to Metroid since Fusion. All Prime discs should be dropped off on a distant planet and burnt to cosmic ashes for being the disgrace that they were, and Nintendo should be blasted with a combination of laser and wave beams for allowing a developer from Texas touch Metroid. Spoken by a Metroid fan since the 80s.
I wish I was more informed on the Metroid timeline, but I'm still stuck in the SNES days. Please explain the basic timeline to me, and how Samus was "changed."
crunchyg said:
This is funny. Other M was the best thing that happened to Metroid since Fusion. All Prime discs should be dropped off on a distant planet and burnt to cosmic ashes for being the disgrace that they were, and Nintendo should be blasted with a combination of laser and wave beams for allowing a developer from Texas touch Metroid. Spoken by a Metroid fan since the 80s.
Okay, now you've gone too far. You seem to condemn the Prime games like they are a hell-spawn of Satan, which, oh, by the way, they are not! On the contrary, actually, they were an absolute godsend and you have just proved yourself as a heretic by declaring them inferior to Other M when in reality, vice versa. Other M is the real hell-spawn. You see, not only did Other M portray Samus Aran as whiny, submissive, and overly dependent snob, completely contrasting everything about Samus that has been established before, the gameplay ditches everything that made past Metroid games so special whereas the Prime games didn't. And the fact that the developers of the Prime games, Retro Studios, are from Texas is irrelevant! All that matters is that Retro knew what they were doing and everything they did resulted in a masterpiece. So, I posted a link to a video below explaining why the Prime games rule while Other M blows:

So if you haven't played the Prime games (which I'm sure of) just play them already and embrace how infinitely superior they are to Other M.

Thomas Ennis said:
I wish I was more informed on the Metroid timeline, but I'm still stuck in the SNES days. Please explain the basic timeline to me, and how Samus was "changed."
It's like this:
  1. Metroid
  2. Metroid II
  3. Metroid Prime
  4. Prime Hunters
  5. Prime 2
  6. Prime 3
  7. Super Metroid
  8. Other M
  9. Fusion
And if you haven't heard of how Samus' character was completely ruined in that game, I'll fill you in. You see, when the original Metroid came out for the NES in the 80's, we were introduced to Samus Aran, who could be assumed to be male at first, but after you beat the game, Samus took of "his" helmet and it turned out that Samus was a woman. Lots of players were shocked to see a woman actually be the hero of a video game. In the games that came after it, Samus' being a woman became more obvious, especially in the Prime games, and she was still an awesome bounty hunter in every meaning of the word. Okay, "bounty hunter" is two words, but the point still stands. Then Other M was released and we got a version of Samus who inner-monologues every five seconds, freaks out over the appearance of a monster she killed with no fear or hesitation in every other game in the series, and "looses" her suit abilities in the dumbest way ever: she doesn't loose them, she just purposely decides not to use them unless her so-called "commanding officer" Adam Malkovich tells her to go for it. So, she becomes a submissive yes-woman for Adam running around doing as Adam tells her. This caused a lot of outrage from Metroid fans, myself included, and it's why I am desperate to convince Nintendo to declare Metroid Other M not canon to the Metroid universe. Like SEGA did with Sonic The Hedgehog 2006.
The Adam thing was introduced in Metroid Fusion, so that would have been the appropriate time to complain about it.
ouch. Other M got me hooked on the series. I've since played super metroid, and love the series
Ok then :) Thank you for the summary. I don't know much about the game in question, but I always thought Samus should be portrayed as a strong female as well. She has always been a woman that could do a "man's job."
I loved Other M's story telling and its portrayal of Samus. She suddenly became human instead of a cold robot. The Prime games are the ones not considered canon - too bad for Other M haters I suppose. :p
crunchyg said:
This is funny. Other M was the best thing that happened to Metroid since Fusion. All Prime discs should be dropped off on a distant planet and burnt to cosmic ashes for being the disgrace that they were, and Nintendo should be blasted with a combination of laser and wave beams for allowing a developer from Texas touch Metroid. Spoken by a Metroid fan since the 80s.

...I really hope you're being sarcastic when you say this.
I loved Other M's story telling and its portrayal of Samus. She suddenly became human instead of a cold robot. The Prime games are the ones not considered canon - too bad for Other M haters I suppose. :p

You loved Other M's portrayal of Samus? You need some serious help.
Personal feelings aside, for anyone to make any headway in this discussion, one must provide more valid reasoning for why or why not to support or condemn something. "I like it, so it's good" or "I hate it, so it sucks" never won anyone an argument. Please follow this link for a quite well written essay containing some very complete reasoning as to why Other M needs to be stricken from the record. I strongly urge anyone who comes across this post to check this out. As to people who like Other M, I strongly recommend you read it just to see where the other side is coming from. And for those who HATE Other M, this will provide you with enough information to keep you going for days.
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That's not what I would call a well-reasoned argument. The author of that thread admits that he has never played Other M, but the gameplay is what makes that game outstanding. Unlike the Prime series, Other M is a true Metroid game.
I'm sorry to correct you, but if you were to continue reading the post, from page 15 on, the author does play the game. But forget the gameplay for a second, that's a WHOLE new can of worms. The primary complaint and the whole point of this petition to remove Other M from canon is the story and, far more importantly, Samus' Character.

Pages 7-9 deal with the major problem practically everyone has with the series: The Ridley=PTSD Trigger controversy. If you read nothing else, I strongly recommend reading those 3 pages. If you disagree, please tell me why, I am always open to a persuasive argument.

As for your comment near the end, could you tell me WHY Other M is a 'true' Metroid game whereas Prime is not? I am quite interested in the reasoning behind this statement.
That's not what I would call a well-reasoned argument. The author of that thread admits that he has never played Other M, but the gameplay is what makes that game outstanding. Unlike the Prime series, Other M is a true Metroid game.



No, the Prime games are true Metroid games as they stuck to what made Metroid so special: exploration and new and exciting worlds. And they did it amazingly well without being stuck in 2D. Other M on the other hand led you by the nose from place to place to place telling you where to go and what to do at every turn, not letting you truly explore. So no, you got what you said completely backwards.
look I'm an Other M fan, it was my first Metroid from start to finish which is a shame. Im old enough to remember when the original came out. My second start to finish was Super Metroid. Wow what a game! Creepy vibes, feeling like I'm lost all the time just really made it a great space game. Loved them both but I just can't see removing Other M. It was a good story IMO.
like i said in another thread, I'm really happy to see we're getting folks who are passionate about Metroid
I say put the Prime series, after zero mission.