Wii U Rename Wii U


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
Nintendo 64
Though it's too late and pointless for Nintendo to do this, the Wii U name hasn't done them any favors in trying to get the console to be successful.

But if you were to give the console a new name what would it be?

I personally would call it the Stream or Nintendo Dual (nintendo D for short.)
I would call it the "Nintendo Best" because it is the best console! :D

and fucking number one and better tham M$ and $ony shit! :mad:
How about the Nintendo US lolol. I don't think that the WII U is really a bad name at all. I just think that Nintendo didn't go about releasing the WII U correctly I just think that they were really in a hurry to get a console out on the market and now it is really hurting them in a bad way.
I think it's fine. American consumer are just really Fing stupid when it comes to recognizing a successor product.
i like it, but if i had to change it= super duper always fun with everyone console
It's fine the way it is quite frankly. They've been following this naming trend for quite some time really. The Gameboy was succeeded by the Gameboy Colour, then the Gameboy Advance, then Gameboy SP, then the DS, DS Lite, DS XL, DS Lite XL, and then 3DS.

It's not like just adding on a letter or two has ever hurt the sales before, so why do you think it is now?
Free U because it should be free for yo(u). I dunno why they couldn't just go with nintendo revolution or something, Wii u is an awful name.
The Wii U is fine. I don't think it needs to be renamed at all. Also, who cares what it's called? As long as the console itself is good, the marketing is good and the sales are up, the name has very little impact on the overall feel of the console
Yeah I really don't see the need for the console to be renamed I just think that they should try to promote it some more. Right now it is not doing as good as it could.
My favorite "joke" name for the console I've seen too would have to be Pee-U but really jokes aside, I don't hate the Wii-u..I just wish more info for SMT X Fire Emblem would come out.
Free U because it should be free for yo(u). I dunno why they couldn't just go with nintendo revolution or something, Wii u is an awful name.
Presumably because Revolution was the Wii, and not the Wii U?
How about the Nintendo US lolol. I don't think that the WII U is really a bad name at all. I just think that Nintendo didn't go about releasing the WII U correctly I just think that they were really in a hurry to get a console out on the market and now it is really hurting them in a bad way.
somehow if it was Nintendo US people will think well I live in Canada... Where is the Nintendo CAN lol

at least they did not name it nintendo toaster or intendo rectangle
Nintendo Dual doesn't sound bad at all. I don't think they should have added the "U" to "Wii" as that made it sound a bit weird to most folks. I thought it was a bit stupid when Nintendo first announced the name. I do understand that they wanted to carry on the Wii name, because of it's success. Perhaps they could've gone with "Wii Pro", "Wii X" or "Wii DX" giving the impression that it's a true and superior successor to the Wii.

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