SNES RoboCop vs The Terminator


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
Super NES
I thoroughly enjoyed the SNES' RoboCop vs The Terminator in my youth!


I consider it to be both the greatest RoboCop video game and the greatest The Terminator video game--at least among 2D platformers released on a Nintendo console! (Certainly better than the NES' The Terminator game. We don't talk about the NES' The Terminator game!)

(The Sega Genesis version of RoboCop vs The Terminator is arguably even greater, but I was a Nintendo fanboy of limited means and thus owned a SNES but not a Sega Genesis.)
It's a shame that there hasn't been a great recent RoboCop video game.

I would have thought that a game tied to the recent RoboCop reboot would have come out, but that wasn't the case as far as I'm aware. And as the reboot was something of a flop (and apparently not very good), I don't anticipate sequels or video game adaptations based upon that rebooted continuity.

Future video games based upon the original RoboCop, however: the original franchise is still relatively popular and has a strong nostalgia factor, so it could be revisited in a future video game al a Scarface. Moreover, I could see the likes of SyFy coming out with another mini-series based upon RoboCop like Prime Directives, which a video game could be based upon.

On a somewhat related note (as the original RoboCop film's script started as a Judge Dredd film, to which the rights weren't obtained and had to be changed): I would like to play a solid video game based upon Dredd as well! :cool:
I can't say I've ever played this game (or series, whichever it is) on the SNES. I grabbed it on my emulator and I plan on playing it later.

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