Hi MasterChu, I can confirm that there are two switch consoles in my house (both me and my daughter have one each) and neither of them have had any of the problems that I keep hearing people talk about on the internet. I can also confirm that out of the many of my friends in real life who own switches, plus nearly everyone at work that has one aswell, absolutely none of them seem to have had any of the issues either. So at first I was a little skeptical about all the rumors out there.
However, I did meet one person the other day that said he had a joycon sync issue. So that indicates that there must have been some degree of genuinely defective ones out there, so some of the internet claims might actually be genuine on that one. However, it's definitely by no means a problem that all of them have, as I meet more people with perfectly working ones than I ever have with any mention of defects. So I'd say that if it happens, it tends to be the exception, not the rule.
As for some of the other scary internet rumors out there, I have never met anyone in real life who had their switch melt, so that rumor I'm still not 100% convinced has any truth to it (at least until I ever see it with my own eyes from a real life person, which has never happened yet). But what I can say for sure though, is even if some people did genuinely receive bad batches that had any manufacturing defects, there are definitely a heck of alot of perfectly working ones out there. Mine definitely has no issues like this, and this is what I tend to find aswell whenever I speak to any real life person that has one. (and I know a hell of alot of people that own switches!) -They're real popular in my neck of the woods! So I'd say if you're worried about this, don't be.
Even if you happen to get unlucky, you'll still be under warranty within at least a year of buying one from most retailers (and even from Nintendo themselves), so the first thing I'd do if that ever happened to me is just get the store I bought it from to replace it for a good one. The trouble with internet rumors is that people that have problems will go round telling everyone, whereas all the many people who never had any problems in the first place never need to, so are completely invisible to the eye, even though there are many of us out there. So don't worry, things you read on the internet are often no way near as scary as it can often make things seem.
Of course, the irony of what I'm telling you is that you're talking to me on the internet, so for your own piece of mind, don't just trust me on blind faith either. Instead, seek out people in real life who actually own one, and ask around. That will always give you a much truer perception of what's really going on.