Slow times for the 3DS?


Jul 25, 2016
I've been an avid fan of DS games - even the small time titles, the ones that didn't get much recognition, and it's something that always got me coming back to checking out the new titles. There were so many that I had difficulty choosing what to spend my cash on, since I was always bound to find something good haha

However, somehow I'm having difficulty experiencing the same with the 3DS? In the past couple of years, I can count on both of my hands the games I actually truly enjoyed, and most of them are either sequels or spin-offs of popular titles on the DS.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
Eh, I have a pretty decent backlog.
Well I am pretty sure that you are not alone in those sentiments. A lot of people feel pretty disappointed about the 3DS, and I know that I certainly was. I think that part of it was that I kind of got myself over-hyped about it and I thought that it was going to be a lot more special than it turned out to be. And yes, a lot of spinoffs. Oh well, though, you can't win 'em all.
A lot's going to depend on just what kind of games you want to play and are interested in though. While there are a lot of people that may think the same as you, I also know a lot of others that have a huge collection of games and more that they are still waiting to play. The 3DS in my eyes as been a success, and I'm not sure what people want from a game system like this.

I'm sure that e have all been disappointed sin the past regarding game titles that have and haven't made an appearance, but we also have to remember that when we're talking about the 3DS, it's not exactly a new system so we can't rally expect to get all the latest and greatest new releases.
i have loved the 3ds from day one more than any other console or handheld I've ever had. I have 2 in fact, and I'm a cheapo. EVERY GAME I've played for it was beyond my expectations of pure fun. i started with Luigi's Mansion which i'd play again if i had time. MK7 was mario kart, so perfect as usual. Then Mario Golf World Tour came out and consumed me. Then i moved out of my comfort zone and took a chance on Bravely Default. Ridiculously good RPG. So on a whim i got Fantasy Life next. Probably my favorite game ever, or very close. So then Yokai Watch. Oh wow. So much fun, if a little short. I became a huge fan. Next I'm fiending to get my hands on Kirby Robobot. It looks so fun

The 3ds never got slow for me
Well I am pretty sure that you are not alone in those sentiments. A lot of people feel pretty disappointed about the 3DS, and I know that I certainly was. I think that part of it was that I kind of got myself over-hyped about it and I thought that it was going to be a lot more special than it turned out to be. And yes, a lot of spinoffs. Oh well, though, you can't win 'em all.

Yeah I tend to buy into the overhype as well but I actually still thought it was fun for a decent amount of time. It's a niche product though, not something they can really expand on very well.

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