@Thomas Ennis, I have always cared a lot about graphics, but I have never cared about how "realistic" or how many particle effects and crap no one even notices. I have always looked to see if the graphics style matches the play style in a complementary way. Mario games have always done this beautifully, so has just about every nintendo game. Sure, they don't have all the hi res shadows and 4X anti aliasing, but who even cares? As long as the style matches the game in a way that it adds to it, then I don't care. Mario, for example, is a fun lighthearted game. It has cartoon graphics that are bright in colors, which adds to the lighthearted fun. Majoras Mask was a creepy dark Zelda game. Its style was dark in color, and was a bit more gritty than past Zeldas, which added to the game's creepy feel. Wind Waker was a more lighthearted adventure, and it had bright, solid, cel shaded colors that really brought out the feeling of fun and exploration. To me, games don't have to have a particular style to be good, the style just has to fit the game. Majoras mask cell shaded would be terrible, just as Wind Waker with dark gritty graphics would ruin the game as well. This game looks like it has graphics to fit its gameplay, which is perfect to me.
(PS. I'm not arguing with your point, im agreeing with it)