Nintendo 64 SuperSmash Bros. Favorite character


Aug 22, 2016
Nintendo 64
I am surprised I did not find this posted around! One of my favorite all time games is SuperSmash Bros. it destroyed frienships for a brief amount of time :p. Everyone had that one character they played with and no one else could get it, or else. In my case, surprisingly, it was Kirby. I never really learned how to play with the others, but I Loved the ability of the little pink ball of eating everyone else and turning itself into a rock.

What about you?
Great question! My favorite Smash character is Yoshi, but now I main Lucina. I want Chrom in Smash!!!!!!!! XD
yep, lemme start by saying i absolutely suck at all fighting games. But i always did gravitate towards Kirby since Melee. Now i seem to like Captain Falcon for some reason. Maybe i could get some fighting game tutoring
I would tutor you! :p Though I am not that good at it. XD But I would love to play some Smash 4 with you sometime. :)

It is odd. It seems like a lot of players love using Kirby. Mainly a lot of casual players (not saying you guys are casual), probably because he is fun and easy to pick up.

There's also another 1/3 of the cast I regular enjoy using with varying frequency.
i think my deal with Kirby on Melee was turning into a big heavy weight, dropping on someone's head and they went flying!!! Captain Falcon's speed helps me out too. Im not good so i just end up mashing buttons and get lucky.
I main Mario in ssb4, i just like the Mario combos. But when i played Brawl i just played what ever character that i can spam projectiles with most effectively. None of my friends knew how to deal with it lol. So then one of my friends started playing competitively and then we all learnt basic basic stuff like Teching, B-reverse and Jump cancels and just kept learning more and more.
Discord is chat for gamers, @dustinb12.

And that is sort of what happened to me, @Nomekop. I played Brawl REALLY casually. Free for all, items, and on time. *Facepalm* I started getting into tournaments probably in the middle of last year for SSB4. Even now, after learning how to play competitively (Like going to tournaments and watching top players play. I also mean learning tech like b reversing and teching.), I still have some bad habits when I play the game, like rolling a little too much, being too predictable, and not being able to read my opponents well. Would you like to play Smash 4 online with me sometime?
When it comes to Super Smash Bros characters I always pick one, she actually is my favorite. Metroid has been my main pick since my first SMB game and she will always be.
I was surprised at myself that I picked Kirby as my man too, but it was for the same reasons that you did. I like sucking everyone else up, and also dropping down as the brick and smashing them (that is the name of the game, after all). It just seems to frustrate everyone else that I am playing with, which of course give me great excitement and pleasure, so the choice was just a natural for me. Good stuff, and thanks for sharing.
You guys know you can grab Kirby out of stone, right? Plus his stone can only take so much damage. I think it is like 25% damage on his stone when it breaks.
Great question! My favorite Smash character is Yoshi, but now I main Lucina. I want Chrom in Smash!!!!!!!! XD

Maybe I live under a rock but YOU CAN GET LUCINA TO PLAY IN SUPERSMASH?!?!?!?!?!

I would tutor you! :p Though I am not that good at it. XD But I would love to play some Smash 4 with you sometime. :)

It is odd. It seems like a lot of players love using Kirby. Mainly a lot of casual players (not saying you guys are casual), probably because he is fun and easy to pick up.
i think my deal with Kirby on Melee was turning into a big heavy weight, dropping on someone's head and they went flying!!! Captain Falcon's speed helps me out too. Im not good so i just end up mashing buttons and get lucky.

That happens to me as well with Kirby that was what attracted me to it :p
You guys know you can grab Kirby out of stone, right? Plus his stone can only take so much damage. I think it is like 25% damage on his stone when it breaks.

I always wondered how to do that, however, I never learn how to get Kirby, I will be trying this soon, thanks for sharing the tip :D
I always enjoyed playing with Metroid, it was and still is always fun to play with that character. I love his level, and his gun play. I always picked him from the beginning of me playing the game.

On the N64 I tried playing with all the other characters, and if I had to pick another one it would be Fox, he has really good moves.

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